Merry Christmas

Dec 25, 2017 15:50

Joyful holidays to all who celebrate, and a time of all you hope for for everyone. Some moment of rest also wouldn't be bad for yours truly - I haven't had the chance to read more than my Yuletide gift yet (separate post forthcoming) because of all the family (and AP's widowed friend, who spent Christmas with us so he's not alone) matters.

However, we did our traditional walk, visiting Bamberg's churches and enjoying beautifully crafted and lovingly detailed nativity scenes, which, like every year, I want to share a bit with you.

This year, St. Martin's restoration had been concluded, which meant they created a nativity display again:

The restored St. Martin. Formerly a Jesuit church. Then and today next to the university.

Meanwhile, Bamberg's cathedral is one for cloudy background in its imagined Bethlehem depiction:

On we went to little St. Matern's, where they have multiple displays, not solely of the nativity but of other biblical scenes, like the Capharnum wedding:

You get landscapes invoking Alpine huts:

Or cinematic desolation:

On to St. Carmel, which always creates probably the busiest, most populated Bethlehem:

The inhabitants of which are majorly into game playing:

(The basketball player ist here every where because Bamberg loves its basketball team, the Brose Baskets.)

But also into all kinds of crafts. Like butter making:

Some nativity recreations are outside, like this one:

Which is next to Our Lady's, where the imaginary Bethlehem is pure 19th century Franconia, except for one Roman soldier. The church:

Overview of the gigantic display:

This year, there was a major theme of breadmaking going on, with all the various stages, millers, bakers, breadcutting on the table etc. Parts and details:

The couple in the background sums it up. They're having their date in front of a Roman soldier, the woman is wearing Franconian 19th century clothing, while the man is going for a vague ancient Jewish look:

The details are reliably adorable. Like this smith:

Observed by an urchin on the roof:

The nativity itself:

Angels and shepherds:

Happy holidays everyone!

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