New Zealand 6: Hobbiton!

Apr 04, 2017 06:42

In a hole in a ground, there lived a hobbit.

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lotr, hobbit, travel, new zealand, pic spam

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Comments 11

tavella April 3 2017, 19:51:09 UTC
I'm curious, how much inside is there to the buildings? It looks like at least Bag End's door opens (presumably so they don't have to do doorway scenes on a set) and a few of the others have windows, but do the free standing buildings have anything inside? I'm guessing most of the rest is just prop doors set in a hillside.


selenak April 4 2017, 07:57:40 UTC
The free standing buildings: haven't been in the mill, but the Green Dragon is an actual pub and restaurant. On Sunday evenings, you can book a dinner there in addition to the tour, and they do some other functions, too; at the end of a regular tour, you get one drink of your choice there.

There is one hobbit hole where they let you go in so you can have your photo taken coming out; not Bag End, though. As I did that, I can confirm there's enough space behind those doors to stand in, but not an actual room, let a lone a furnished one.

Re: Bag End, all the Bag End scenes that take place inside were shot in the studio, but yes, the door opens and closes completely.


daybreak777 April 3 2017, 23:10:45 UTC
Oh, they kept it! It's so cute. Do you have to pay to get to see it? Did you go inside one of the hobbit homes?


selenak April 4 2017, 07:59:48 UTC
Yes, you have to pay, and you get a guide; also, you're only allowed to enter the set on a bus with said guide, who makes sure you don't stray from the paths. This is a wise precaution to ensure people don't trample by the thousands over that green, green grass or try to take some hobbit door handle with them. :). Re: going inside, you're only allowed to do that in one particular case, so you can have your picture taken coming out of a hobbit hole. Which I did, I admit. :)


queenbookwench April 4 2017, 02:22:58 UTC
This sounds like an epic and lovely trip (especially with the Aged Parents!) and your photos are beautiful! I've always wanted to go to NZ and this would definitely have to be a stop...


selenak April 4 2017, 08:01:01 UTC
It was an undisputed highlight among many! The trip is nearly finished - we'll leave on Thursday, for another 24 hours in the air - but every day has been an adventure.


kathyh April 6 2017, 21:19:48 UTC
Oh, what a fabulous place. I am green with envy. As we went to New Zealand in 2005 obviously none of this had been left here otherwise I'd have been here like a shot. Like your dad I love the mill and how delightfully colourful everything is.

Very nice touch to call the cat Tollers :)


selenak April 8 2017, 08:15:39 UTC
Isn't it just? BTW, do you take icon comissions? Some of the Hobbiton photos practically beg for it...;)


kathyh April 8 2017, 09:58:27 UTC
I haven't made an icon for ages but I could give it a try if you like. Can't guarantee I can still remember how to make them though.


lokifan April 9 2017, 23:41:47 UTC
I'm kind of weirded out, knowing it's New Zealand, by how much it looks like home to my English heart! It's so lovely. Reminds me of how sistermagpie felt the Shire was like home, and the first time she saw it in the films she burst into tears.


selenak April 10 2017, 12:17:00 UTC
Well, Farmer Russell Alexander isn't quite Farmer Maggot from the Shire, but New Zealanders at times do feel a lot like Hobbits (I mean, just look at Peter Jackson! Except for the freaky period where he lost weight, of course). :) More seriously, the original set designers were inspired by the classic illustrations which were inspired by the English countryside, so there you are. Not being English but German, I found one of the most delightful aspects of Hobbiton how lived-in, gemütlich (comfy is probably the best translation) it felt, so yes, like home!


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