"Somebody, after all, had to make a start"

Feb 22, 2017 17:00

They died today, here in Munich: Sophie Scholl, Hans Scholl, Christoph "Christl" Propst. Students who had grown up within a totalitarian system, who all, as children and early adolescents, had been true believers in the ideology they were were brainwashed with by almost everything around them. And yet they saw through it. And yet they came to reject it. And yet they gave their lives for saying "No. No. This is not right. Resist."

For this, they were arrested, put on trial as "enemies of the people", called every vile name in the repertoire by the authorities, and eventually beheaded. Today. All those years ago. I just was at the university where they were leaving their handtyped, hastily printed leaflets when they were captured. I know many of the words on those leaflets by heart. They still make me cry. Now more than ever.

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