Together, they fight crime

Sep 17, 2016 14:01

Considering the current fashion of making everything into a procedural, and one with a male and female lead to boot, and with Restoration England recently in my mind, I've decided there's an obvious tv show opportunity here in the Interregnunm, those eleven years (1649 - 1660) between Charles. I. execution and Charles II. return to England, when ( Read more... )

silliness, restoration, crack, history

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Comments 21

kathyh September 17 2016, 14:17:02 UTC
Well, I'd watch it! Charles II is ideal detective material and it would be very easy to fit into that period of his life. Royalist plots and counter plots would make excellent background material too. Not sure I wouldn't almost rather read it than watch it now though as I could still imagine Rufus Sewell as Charles.


selenak September 17 2016, 18:11:39 UTC
Rufus Sewell was really good in the role. But we can give the young' uns a chance, too (as Charles is between 20 and 30 in the Interregnum), plus: costume eye candy!


kathyh September 17 2016, 19:10:43 UTC
I've just seen the idea of Rupert of the Rhine as his science consultant and he was a genuine historical hottie so there would be lots of eye candy in this one plus costuming deliciousness. Charles's young brother Henry was still alive at this point so he could be eager sidekick with James attempting to help but causing mayhem. Add in Minette as cute kid and Henrietta Maria as very difficult and disapproving parent and this one could run and run.


selenak September 18 2016, 16:19:56 UTC
Indeed it could! And you know Henrietta Maria would be HORRIFIED once she heard about this. Probably from James, who meant to show that Charles is doing something active and wasn't prepared for the maternal uproar...or was he?


dbalthasar September 17 2016, 15:06:24 UTC
That's... just plausible enough. I'd watch that. I'd definitely read it! (What's Prince Rupert doing during the interregnum? He'd make an interesting science consultant if he isn't off at sea somewhere.)


selenak September 17 2016, 18:14:42 UTC
A quick look at wiki tells me he first was busy in the endgame of the 30 years war, then fought a bit for the French, then spent some time as a pirate in the West Indies and then went to Mainz where he spent the rest of the Interregnum doing science until the Restoration. So he'd be available as a science consultant at least part of the time!


dbalthasar September 17 2016, 21:03:27 UTC
I thought I remembered the spell of piracy, but was hazy about the rest. I rather like the notion of James causing mayhem, too.

This would work frighteningly well!


redfiona10 September 17 2016, 18:41:27 UTC
And if you wanted to you could even make Charles II a bit forensicy, as he was interested in science. (Part of why one of the theories for his death is lead poisoning through chemistry experiments.)


selenak September 17 2016, 18:46:48 UTC
True that. Two commenters have suggested cousin Rupert as the science consultant, which would work, but Charles himself was definitely interested enough to try out some ad hoc forensicy methods as well.


ffutures September 17 2016, 18:56:31 UTC
There was a series of novels about a spy working for Cromwell in that era, which never made it to the screen - A Firework for Oliver was the first, there were four more.

In the first Pym is armed with an "automatic pistol" containing several balls and some powder which can be armed without all of the usual rigmarole of a pistol of that period. I remember it as sounding VERY dubious, as in more likely to explode than work. And unfortunately that's about all I remember of the series.


selenak September 18 2016, 16:18:05 UTC
"Pym" immediately associates "Hank", which makes me wonder whether the author was a secret Marvel fan...


angevin2 September 18 2016, 01:07:49 UTC


selenak September 18 2016, 13:22:40 UTC
We just have to hypnotize a producer or two into making it...


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