Easter Wells 2016

Mar 26, 2016 15:50

It's your annual pic spam of eggs and wells again, due to yours truly and the APs having made their trip through Franconian Switzerland. We actually discovered a well we hadn't seen before, which was all about beer and shall be hidden beneath the cut. And we revisited some old favourites. The weather, alas, was cloudy and grey, but the colours of the wells shone all the brighter. Happy Easter, everyone! As much as it can be, in these miserable times.

Always a first stop, since it's very close to Bamberg:

Some wells don't have real eggs, only plastic eggs, but are very pretty regardless:

This well usually comes with bunnies, but this time they decorated with sheep, with a sign to please not take these away, there is an instruction online on how to make them yourself:

Always a favourite: Tiefenpölz:

With the New Testament in Egg form:

And some wildlike education from the local kids:

And an Easter lamb:

Meanwhile, check out what the Obladara kids did:

As for Greifenstein:

Here, they took on motives from the tales by the Brothers Grimm:

Markt Heiligenstadt sports one of the bigger fountains:

And they still don't go for plastic but keep using hand painted eggs:

Passing through the Turbach valley:

We know the Easter Wells inside out, we thought, but every now and then you discover this isn't the case, and/or there is a new one. Like this year in Kleingesee. Guess the theme:

It comes complete with some educational map. If you were wondering just which places Franconian Switzerland consists of:

Last year, we couldn't check on one of my favourites, the bridge of Drosendorf, because the street was getting renewed, but this year, it's available again:

And the reverse side:

And the front:

Nearby Kleinfeld has the source of the small river Aufseß which the bridge above went over in Drosendorf. The Kleinfeld well at the Aufseß origin looks thusly:

Like every year, the conclusion of the spam is the biggest of them all, Bieberbach:

With its school for bunnies:

And its awesome details:

Here, a fan of the Nuremberg football (soccer for Americans) club got creative:

And with this, basically, I wish you:

This entry was originally posted at http://selenak.dreamwidth.org/1157260.html. Comment there or here, as you wish.

easter wells, pic spam

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