I don't have much to say about Elementary (4.15) this week, as it was something of a meh episode to me. I mean, Joan & Gregson friendship scenes are nice to get, and I'm glad they finally gave Gregson a subplot that's not standard TV cop issues, but that was it, and the most interesting thing about the case of the week was the beginning. So no proper review.
This is a sad morning for me because I've just discovered that
Pat Conroy has died. And thus 2016 continues to eliminate creative people I care about. I didn't like all of Conroy's novels equally (Beach Music: really not good), but The Prince of Tides was one of those books that had a visceral impact on me when I read it as a teenager and which I kept rereading, being drawn back to it again and again. (My thing for stories involving messed up family dynamics probably hails from there.) (The film version, otoh, I found tremendously disappointing.) The Water is Wide and The Great Santini were books that have remained with me as well. Once he came to Munich, doing not a conventional reading but a telling of stories, and everyone of us in the audience, no matter how good or bad their command of English, was spellbound. He also was incredibly nice to me at the book signing afterwards.
Please, 2016, just stop with the death score, will you? It's not like politics don't give us enough grief.
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