Star Trek Meme: Day 8

Jun 12, 2015 22:03

Day 8 - Your favorite actor/actress? (Not the same as character.)

Great Maker, as Londo Mollari would say on another tv show, I can't. First of all, favorite in what sense - acting prowess, public persona, admirable deeds outside of acting? Secondly, between four shows and all the movies, everybody and their twin have guest starred in Star Trek. I mean, I could list Andreas Katsulas here (who played Tomalak the Romulan on TNG before he became G'Kar on B5, and one time afterwards, too), just to be coy.

But even were I to limit myself to the regulars and to the recurring on a regular basis guest stars, there'd still be a huge number of actors I'm very fond of in any or all of these categories, and sometimes what endeared or impressed me about them isn't ST related at all - George Takei, the most politically active of the TOS cast, wrote arguably the most interesting memoirs (due to the vivid description of internment as a Japanese-American during WWII), and then started a late life career on the net via hilarious memes and net activisim, but while I like Sulu (and got a kick of GT showing up as Hiro's father in Heroes), I wouldn't say Takei struck me as a very versatile actor. Walter Koenig, otoh, whom I only discovered as an actor due to JMS writing the part of Bester for him on Babylon 5, and he took and ran with the chance. (He also wrote probably the most insightful and wittiest of the TOS cast memoirs.) Nichelle Nichols had to put up with so much racism and sexism throughout her life without letting it plow her under, and is an amazingly graceful lady, not to mention that I adore Uhura, but I only saw her in one or two non-Trek roles, both bit parts, so I can't say I was swept away by her as an actress. Otoh, Brent Spiner was excellent in all I've seen him in, but the one time I watched him do a Q & A at a convention I certainly had a bad impression of him as a person. And so forth.

But I would be an utter hypocrite to deny there's one particular actor who got introduced to me via Star Trek, whose acting I found and find fantastic in most parts (which is why when I have the chance to watch him on stage, I take it), whose putdowns of annoying reporters eager to sneer at Star Trek fans are perfect and whose activism against domestic violence makes me think his public persona at least is that of someone I can admire as well. Whom am I kidding? Of course Patrick Stewart is my favourite.

Day 1 - Which Star Trek series is your favorite?
Day 2 - Who is your favorite character?
Day 3 - Who is your least favorite character?
Day 4 - What was the first episode/movie you watched?
Day 5 - What was the first Star Trek series you watched?
Day 6 - Your favorite canon pairing? (Canon being the series and the movies, including the reboot.)
Day 7 - Your favorite non-canon pairing?

Day 9 - What's your favorite episode?
Day 10 - What's your favorite species? (Humans are a species as well.)
Day 11 - What's your least favorite species? (See question 9 about species.)
Day 12 - What's your favorite funny moment?
Day 13 - What's your favorite dramatic moment?
Day 14 - What's your favorite Star Trek quote?
Day 15 - How did you get into Star Trek?
Day 16 - Are you involved with Star Trek fandom?
Day 17 - Have you read any of the books? If so, which ones?
Day 18 - If you could be any species in the Star Trek universe, what would you be?
Day 19 - How did the Star Trek reboot affect you?
Day 20 - Of the minor characters (one shots, not the recurring ones) who’s your favorite?
Day 21 - Which Star Trek food would you want to try at least once?
Day 22 - Which Star Trek world would you want to visit at least once?
Day 23 - Is there anything you'd want to change about Star Trek? Why?
Day 24 - Is there anything about Star Trek that has disappointed you?
Day 25 - How has Star Trek changed you?
Day 26 - Lots of Star Trek Parodies out there. Which do you dig?
Day 27 - What would you cross over with Star Trek?
Day 28 - Your favourite friendship in Star Trek?
Day 29 - If you could tell Gene Roddenberry one thing, Star Trek related or not, what would it be?

This entry was originally posted at Comment there or here, as you wish.

meme, star trek

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