Multifandom news and a rec

May 28, 2015 08:24

It's good to know that Bryan Fuller's American Gods adaption is still on, and progressing. (Not just because I'm looking forward to the Fuller-meets-Gaiman result, but because I would like a Fuller series I can watch again. Says she who tried and disliked Hannibal, thus gave it up after eight episodes.) Meanwhile, I've just seen a (German) tweet ( Read more... )

a place of greater safety, american gods, hilary mantel, fanfic rec, bbc, bryan fuller, elementary, vive la revolution!, league of extraordinary gentlemen

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Comments 11

kathyh May 28 2015, 09:39:51 UTC
I think the Global iPlayer might be being replaced by something called BBC Store which is a download to own service. Knowing the BBC I doubt if it's ready yet!

If you can check out W1A, supposedly a comedy series, but sometimes more like a documentary, for why I don't think it will be ready yet :)


selenak May 29 2015, 15:33:13 UTC
No more checking for me unless I pay for the dvds instead of paying a monthly fee, she says broodingly. :)


kathyh May 29 2015, 22:47:12 UTC
Not worth you paying for it as it is a bit of an in joke, so probably funnier for me than you.

BBC Store seems to have a YouTube channel but I'm not sure it's really operational yet. It looks as if you have to either buy a pass or pay a small fee for each episode. The BBC probably think they will make more money this way!


avrelia May 28 2015, 17:29:49 UTC
I wouldn't mind a whole series with Marian Halcombe solving crime. Penny Dreadful without all the devil stuff. She can totally recruit other Collins heroines though.


selenak May 29 2015, 15:32:14 UTC
Marian Halcombe leading a posse of other Collins heroines to solve crime would be utter WIN. Lydia Gwilt is the obligatory antiheroine who is a part of the team because she's been such a successful criminal before falling in love with a White Hat.


avrelia May 29 2015, 17:54:21 UTC
Collins has a lot of amazing heroines, hasn't he? And his works mostly haven't been adapted to tv yet, with the exception of Woman in White and Moonstone.


ibmiller May 29 2015, 15:12:31 UTC
That is a great fic - thanks for the recommendation!


selenak May 29 2015, 15:29:51 UTC
You're welcome!


herself_nyc May 29 2015, 23:37:35 UTC
An adaptation of that Mantel novel would be truly awesome. It's the one book of hers I couldn't get through; I read about a third of it and realized I needed to first read a good history of the French Revolution, and then I got bogged down in that right away, and … alas, I don't think I'll ever really know the story of the French Revolution except in little bits, names and images (Marat in his bathtub!).


shezan June 1 2015, 04:32:24 UTC
Read Richard Cobb on the French Revolution; he is SUPERB.


shezan June 1 2015, 04:31:18 UTC
The thing about A Place… is that it is not France, and the characters are not French. They don't sound French, they don't behave like French people; Mirabeau's Provence is about as French as Robert Ludlum's "Corsica" in The Matarese Circle; the angst itself is not French anguish, which is always tinged with practicality and self-regard. It might make good television at that, but it still will not have the texture of the French Revolution, whic we do know through writers like G. Lenotre, etc.


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