The Merry Tourists of Windsor: London I.

Apr 23, 2015 21:41

I'm very very exhausted, in a good way, so no report yet on a play and a film that I've seen, which shall be written at some future point, but for now, just pics. Because while this is about the gazillionest visit to London, I still can't resist using my camera, and on this very beautiful day, I was with
kathyh in Windsor.

When you come up the hill:

You can see the moat's been redecorated:

The flag means the Queen is there; given Windsor is directly en route to Heathrow, so there's an airplane flying above the castle every third minute or so, she must have very good earplugs.


St. George's Chapel, where Edward IV. and Elizabeth Woodville, Henry VI., Henry VIII., Jane Seymour and Charles I. are buried.

The whole castle is incredibly big and you can't get it en camera in totem, except from the other side of the Thames:

Speaking of the other side of the Thames, we were also at Eton, which you can see here from Windsor:

But it wasn't one of open to the public days. Once back in London, because the day was so fine, I finally decided to do what I had avoided so far and take a ride on the London Eye. It does present a nice view:

The dirty spots aren't my camera's fault. It's the glass of the gondolas.

Buckingham Palace:

Houses of Parliament:

Westminster Abbey:

Finally, I paid a visit to the National Portrait Gallery. Today, for Shakespeare's birth- and deathday, the occasional actors played scenes of his in between the portraits, which was very cool. The view outside at Trafalgar Square wasn't bad, either, for behold:

And my old pals the pelicans from St. James Park said hello as well, and with them, I will close for today:

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england, london, pic spam

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