Vid recs

Nov 05, 2014 20:03

Orphan Black:

What's mine is yours : sharp, intense and marvellous vid about Sarah, Felix, Siobhan and Kira, with bonus Helena.

And a look at Agent Carter which makes me hunt for Peggy and Howard Stark friendship tales (hooray for m & f comradery of people who've been through hell together but still won't end up as a couple), only Darth RL is after me again. Also: I'm mysteriously thrilled human!Jarvis (whom Tony presumably modelled the AI on) is married. (In the comics, Jarvis had a lovely autumnal affair with Peter Parker's Aunt May for a while, only then Civil War happened, and then Brand New Day happened and Jarvis got retconned to have been a Skrull, so...) Because dammit, why not? There are enough Butlers devoting their entire lives to their employers' bratty offsprings and their angst. Good for MCU human Jarvis on having a partner of his own.

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orphan black, vid recs, agent carter

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