Frankfurt Book Fair 2014

Oct 12, 2014 21:29

This year's Frankfurt Book Fair was exciting and eventful as ever, but unfortunately I cought the dreaded Book Fair Flu. It happens nearly every year to those of us who stay the entire week in the small city of halls with thousands of people breathing the same air, but usually the symptoms wait for Monday. Not this year, where I'm running a fever ( Read more... )

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Comments 11

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selenak October 13 2014, 09:52:53 UTC
Thank you for the links! I'll be sure to check them out. :)


daybreak777 October 13 2014, 02:01:42 UTC
Hope you get more porridge like Oliver Twist. Or was that David Copperfield? Wait, isn't he a magician?

I hope you magically feel better soon!

(Here is some tea and scones.)


selenak October 13 2014, 09:53:54 UTC
Oliver Twist didn't get more porridge despite asking for it, poor guy, but David Copperfield had the best aunt/godmother ever and got it eventually.:) Thanks for the good wishes.


kathyh October 13 2014, 09:06:46 UTC
It all sounds fascinating. Many thanks for sharing it with us and I hope you feel better soon.


selenak October 13 2014, 09:51:31 UTC
You and me both, as I'll be needing my voice on Thursday on the latest! (And right now I'm croaking.)


asia27 October 13 2014, 19:12:37 UTC
I hope you feel better soon. I have to say, I'm not aware if there are book fairs like this in the US; I'm in New York and honestly, if they don't, they should! I hate being ignorant of foreign writers, especially with the ones Ruuger referenced, and if Ruuger dosen't mind, I'm going to check those out that were referenced. As much reading as I do, they don't talk about interesting writers from Europe very much which is a shame.

Again, I'm always so happy to see your travelogues in where you go. My son is talking about going to Germany at some point and he's bugging me to go. My passport is up to date and I'm ready to travel! :D


selenak October 16 2014, 12:08:42 UTC
If your son and yourself make it to Germany, I'd be happy to give you some travel tips (and of course if you come nearby to where I am, to meet).

Book fairs: I only ever went to one in the US, and it was a) much smaller and b) strictly American publications only from what I could see. But that was 15 years ago! Things could have changed. At any vent, Frankfurt ist the largest globally, which is one reason why so many different countries are presented - the book fair in Leipzig in spring, for example, focuses on German language publications and is accordingly smaller. Though there are still a lot of translations!

(I also once went to the Greek book fair in Athens which was fun - and largely outdoors, which certainly was a startling contrast to Frankfurt!)


asia27 October 18 2014, 02:13:03 UTC
That would be lovely :D and I will tell him, thank you!


amenirdis October 15 2014, 12:28:33 UTC
Thank you for your book fair report! I always enjoy it!


selenak October 16 2014, 12:08:55 UTC
You're very welcome.


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