KakaSasu fic: Sasuke's Plan

May 07, 2005 16:34

Title: Sasuke's Plan
Author: selena_star
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: KakaSasu
Warnings: Spoilers for chapters around 240.
Summary: Sasuke is bothered by dreams, and hatches a plan for how Kakashi can help him out. Set before Sasuke leaves Konoha.

Previously posted to sasuke_kakashi

Sasuke sat in the middle of the bed, unwrapping the bandages from his legs and arms. It was late at night, and half an hour earlier he had been wandering the streets of Konoha, reluctant to return to his small flat and sleep.
Recently, his sleep had been haunted by dreams. But these weren't his usual nightmares about the massacre, nor his bitter dreams of revenge, but an altogether more unsettling sort of dream. Scenes of kisses and flashes of flesh would make him wake hot and panting. He couldn't allow these normal teenage desires because he wasn't a normal teenager; he was an avenger, and these dreams were disturbing his resolve. He longed for the return of the dreams where he killed his brother.
The way to stop these dreams, he reasoned, would be to give in to his needs temporarily, preferably with someone whom he knew well. Who could he choose? Someone he looked up to, someone whose discretion he trusted. Someone whose touch he could bear. As he made his decision, Kakashi had found him wandering, and insisted he come back to his flat.
"Thanks for letting me stay tonight. I didn't know where else to go."
"It's not a problem." Kakashi stood beside the bed, looking down at his student. "You can stay as long as you need to. The chair is quite comfy, anyway." He turned and dropped into a worn armchair, curling up and settling down.
"It doesn't look very comfy." Sasuke gave Kakashi a doubtful look, but Kakashi had shut his eye and was feigning sleep. Sasuke sighed, and said, "We could share the bed, or I'll sleep on the chair. I'm shorter than you anyway."
Kakashi opened his eye and looked at Sasuke. "Well, if you wouldn't mind, the bed is big enough for two people. I don't want to crowd you or make you uncomfortable."
An odd expressions crossed Sasuke's face, and he replied softly, "Actually, tonight I'd like the company."
Kakashi stood and started to undress, removing his top first. Sasuke lay down and snuggled under the blankets, closing his eyes. From under dark lashes he surveyed the older man, admiring the ripple and flex of his arms and back as he stripped to his shorts. Kakashi slid into bed beside Sasuke and switched off the light, then removed his forehead protector and mask.
Sasuke lay still for a minute to let his eyes adjust to the dark. He would always swear he wasn't interested in Naruto's stupid schemes, but in truth he was curious about what Kakashi was hiding under his mask. Slowly, he turned towards the man beside him. Aware of his hastening breath, he opened his eyes. The room was filled with silver moonlight that illuminated Kakashi's face perfectly. Sasuke smiled shyly.
His face was beautiful. Elegant bone structure gave him high cheeks and a sharp jawline; thin lips on a sensual mouth lay under a straight but delicate nose. Sasuke congratulated himself on his choice.
"Finished your inspection?" Kakashi drawled.
Sasuke blushed slightly and flattened onto his back again. After a few minutes he couldn't contain his puzzlement any longer, and asked, "So why do you wear the mask?"
Kakashi smiled. "Because unlike you, Uchiha, I don't enjoy having a gaggle of girls follow me around all the time."
Sasuke sat up, furious. "But I don't enjoy it! They're annoying! I can't stand them!" His protests died out as Kakashi laughed aloud.
"Oh, Sasuke, you don't often lose control like that. Perhaps I've hit the truth after all."
Sasuke glared at the grinning Kakashi, who reached out a hand and ruffled Sasuke's hair. At the touch, Sasuke darted forward and kissed Kakashi fiercely on his soft lips.
Kakashi didn't respond, but he didn't break away either. Sasuke continued for a while, then drew back, pouting. "I don't care about the girls, either. I like you. I thought you liked me."
Kakashi's voice was very gentle as he replied, "I do, Sasuke, but as a friend. You're my student, I can't take advantage of that relationship. I have a responsibility towards you."
Sasuke's eyes darkened and he furrowed his brow. Drawing his knees up to his chin, he scowled into the distance. Kakashi watched him with concern.
Presently Sasuke tilted his head to glance at Kakashi, a smirk replacing his frown. "But you didn't stop me," he said, coyly. "You didn't pull away."
In a flash he was on top of Kakashi, straddling his hips, hands by his shoulders. Sasuke stared into his eyes for a second before leaning forward to press his lips against the older man's. This time Kakashi responded by pressing back: a very chaste kiss that didn't promise anything.
Sasuke finally sat back, studying Kakashi's face carefully. He was managing to keep most of his features in check, but Sasuke noted with pleasure the lust in his dark eye and the stiffening under him.
Sasuke's mouth quirked up mischievously, and he ground against Kakashi's hips.
Kakashi groaned, asking, "Sasuke, are you really sure about this?"
Sasuke nodded, firmly.
"What can I say? I'm a very lucky man. And I have no self-control when a cute boy tries to seduce me." Kakashi relaxed somewhat, and placed his hands on Sasuke's waist. The younger boy reached forward to touch his face, tracing along his cheek and down his nose.
"How did you get your Sharingan?" he suddenly demanded.
Kakashi tensed slightly.
"My teammate and best friend was Uchiha Obito. We were involved in a mission where I lost my eye and Obito was killed. As he lay dying, he offered it to me."
Sasuke's voice seemed artificially airy: "So he was your best friend, huh? It seems a very altruistic thing to do. Uchihas are very precious about the Sharingan. You must have meant a lot to him."
Kakashi sighed. "It was only at the end that we understood each other and realised our friendship."
"At the end? So you and he never... got together?"
Kakashi looked at Sasuke levelly. "Have you ever kissed Naruto?"
"Ew, no way! We're not even that close!"
"Well, it was the same with me and Obito."
Sasuke seemed slightly mollified.
Jokingly, Kakashi said, "Don't worry, no Uchiha precedent has been set. I'm attracted to you, and you're nothing like Obito."
Satisfied, Sasuke started to remove his shirt. This time it was Kakashi's turn to watch, appraising the lithe body and young muscles, firm from regular training. He stretched up to remove the boy's forehead protector, freeing dark bangs, and dropped it to the ground.
He used both hands to caress Sasuke's face, pushing hair from his eyes and combing it through his fingers. Sasuke froze at the intensity of his touch, so Kakashi lightly ran his hands down his chest and back to his waist. Not wanting to push the boy, he waited for him to lead.
He was still for a while, breathing rapidly and staring into Kakashi's eyes. Unsure of how best to react, Kakashi removed his hands from Sasuke entirely, covering it as a stretch, raising his arms past his head. Sasuke took the opportunity and pounced on his wrists, pinning his arms above them so their faces were level. Closing his eyes, he kissed Kakashi again. This time there was no hesitancy in the response; he closed his eyes and kissed back tenderly, not wanting to scare Sasuke off, but wanting him to know how much he wanted this.
Sasuke felt content to kiss like this forever. He hadn't realised how much a simple kiss could affect him; he was giddy and happy and nothing mattered but the man beneath him. Opening his mouth, their tongues met and ran across each other. Sasuke was overwhelmed by a desire to feel more of this man against him; he wanted to be caressed and held and have his whole body brought alive like his mouth.
Lowering himself slowly, their chests pressed together and Sasuke gasped at the pleasure of feeling a warm body against his own. He let go of Kakashi's wrists and brought his hands to the man's waist, running fingers up and down his sides and kissing frantically.
Cautiously, Kakashi moved his arms down and wrapped them around the boy in a hug. Sasuke moaned: to be so surrounded by another person, and yet enjoy it! Kakashi was well aware of how much Sasuke had just surrendered, so he left his hands on Sasuke's back and concentrated on his kissing. It had been years since Kakashi was a teenager making out for the first time, but he could just about remember the wonder of finding someone you click with physically, and feeling like two halves suddenly made whole. From the passion in Sasuke's body, he was experiencing it right now. Kakashi was grateful and honoured that the boy had chosen him.
One hour or ten could have passed when Sasuke eventually finished the kiss. He dropped his head to Kakashi's chest and nuzzled against his neck, as Kakashi rained kisses across his forehead and hair. He blushed slightly as Kakashi whispered, "You are so beautiful, Sasuke," and started tracing fingers down his back.
Suddenly, Sasuke rolled onto his side, causing Kakashi to withdraw his hands anxiously. As he did so, Sasuke grasped one wrist and placed the hand on his body again. "Please don't stop," he whispered back.
With a happy, hazy smile, Kakashi put one arm around him in a hug and used the other to explore his soft skin. Across his chest and down to his abdomen the long fingers roamed; around his waist and on to his hip, grasping gently at the bone there. Sasuke's breathing increased and he squirmed as if trying hard not to move. Teasingly, Kakashi's fingers trailed across his shorts, brushing briefly against his cock.
The boy smiled up at him.
"Are you sure?" Kakashi asked again, and Sasuke nodded as before.
He slid Sasuke's shorts off and dropped them to the floor. The boy lay on his back, dark eyes looking up at him with guarded trust and a hint of nerves. He removed his own shorts, then lay beside him and started kissing his neck.
Sasuke's hands wandered his back, eyes fluttering and breath heavy. Every so often, Kakashi gently bit instead of kissing, making him inhale sharply and pull him closer. Kakashi let his mouth travel down, kissing a trail that ended with a flick of his tongue against his cock. Eyes filled with raw desire watched him as he grasped at the base and engulfed the erection in his mouth. Sasuke's breath came in pants and he clutched at the sheet, eyes shut and body tense. Kakashi paused like that until he relaxed slightly, then ran his tongue around the head. Lost in the sensation, Sasuke moaned faintly.
Changing tactics, Kakashi inched his mouth lower and lower, swallowing the boy further, and licking up and down his length as he went. Rapid breathing spurred him on to thrust the whole way down, forcing a yelp from Sasuke. With grinning eyes Kakashi repeated his move a couple of times, causing the boy to tense again. Withdrawing quickly, he murmured praise for his body until the boy had recovered enough to open his eyes. They smouldered with passion, burning into Kakashi's.
He ran his hands over Sasuke's body, ending up with one gripping his erection and the other caressing his balls. Sasuke reached out to tangle his fingers in Kakashi's silver hair, pulling his head down for a kiss. It was more insistent than previous kisses, with urgency building the longer it continued.
Kakashi started to move his hand, rythmically stroking while kissing the boy. Sasuke moaned, dropping his hands to his sides. Kakashi lowered his head to swallow him again, both hands and mouth working to coax more sounds from his lips. As he intensified the pace, Sasuke couldn't help but shut his eyes in response, borne away on a wave of sensation. Finally, Kakashi gave one last flick of his tongue and Sasuke couldn't hold back, erupting into the warmth of his mouth.
"Kakashi!" he gasped, fingers clenching and unwinding and seeking out the man's body. Kakashi held his position for a while before slowly retreating. He crawled beside the boy, watching fondly as he lay stuporous.
After a time, his breathing slowed and he regained his senses. Sasuke turned to face Kakashi. He seemed to be trying to say something, but no words came. Kakashi kissed his nose, murmuring, "It's all right, you don't have to speak. Thank you for letting me do that."
A tiny smile formed on Sasuke's lips. He decided he liked Kakashi better without his mask.
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