Nov 05, 2005 21:41
Life sucks.
Death sucks.
Vampires suck.
And therefore, so do I.
Ain't life grand?
So I'm still in hiding here, trying to avoid Mars and Eris and the other Council members. I'm also trying to avoid Endymion as I've called it quits. Again. I know I love him and all, but the Bond's getting too strong. It was strong before we held hands, for crying out loud! All we've done is a few small kisses - we're both too afraid to do anything more. And now he's in my head, day and night - and it's not deliberate. He knows I want him to stay away, and so he's doing it. It's just this stupid BOND! I hate these little catches that come with the DNA. The blood lust, the hearing thoughts, Soul Bonds - it all bites! And let's not get me started on the biting thing.
They say it's a 'till death do us part' kind of deal, but what happens if you're immortal? I swear, if I end up Bonded to Endymion, I am going to end up killing him. That's why vampire reproduction occurs so rarely - sex is the final stage of the Bonding. And then it's till death do us part.
I'm surprised Mum has survived so long, considering she's Bonded to a vampire. Eris would have slit her throat a thousand times by now if Mars had not stopped her. And that's the Bond talking. Unless your Bond-partner is the one to kill you, you feel the pain of the Bond breaking. And if you cheat on your Bond-partner - it's not even possible. It's like a physical illness, almost, and if you've fully Bonded with someone, and you do manage to force yourself to cheat, it apparently can kill you. That's one of the big reasons why vampires prefer feeding to sex - the risk of the Bond.
Whatever is going on with Endymion and me can't be that strong - no real Bond - because I felt nothing for him when I was out with Frost. Okay, I lie. Endy kept popping into my head when I wasn't expecting it. And that makes me feel bad. Frost's a nice guy, and I really like him. I just wish I don't have to tell him about the Bond at some point. With Endymion it was easy - we were both expecting to Bond if we wanted a partner - but with anyone else, anyone non-vampire... they wouldn't understand. They'd run a mile. And then there's the whole 'not having a previous partner who still lives' factor. That's why Eris wants Mum dead, after all. Mars cannot take a partner until she's dead. And it goes the same for Mum - the Bond has taken over her, and she's human through and through.
So I guess I may as well join a convent. I suppose a black and white habit can't be all that bad, right?