
Feb 14, 2009 23:07

I hear the *groans* now! Another blog about Champaign county. You thought you knew everything there is to know about any trip I ever take down to that city. Well, This one proved to be rather interesting.

10. Despite Trannys being looked down in most societies; those in Champaign can feel free to step into Target and not be talked to too when they buy their false eyelashes with out a blink of an eye.

09.  DON'T go down Green Street betwix the hours of 12 and 4am

08. You are only suppose to go one way down a one way street and going the opposite direction shown isn't the one.

07. Mattis Avenue is great to drag race down at 1am.

06. Even though there are 3 walmarts (not including the Sams Club) in the area, they still don't have enough cashiers upfront.

05. The appartment complexes on Bradley avenue are for "Blacks ONLY" and this is according to the residents.

04.DON'T Park in Sorority ROW! The sistas might come and yell at you even though you're only there for like two moments on official state business because they actually have to walk and possibly ruin their Prada shoes.

03. Always expect long lines at Cheddars and Coldstone.

02. As compaired to other Hot topics, the one at Market Place is the BEST!

01.Two words: Panara Bread!

Okay, so that wasn't just the trip. That was from nine months of living there. The trip went well. Shannon and I went swimming at her hotel and I got to spoil the niece. sweet_heart_83 and neppyman  both came down with something, but I still thing overall everyone had a great time.


sweet_heart_83, champaign, shannon, neppyman, top ten list, trip

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