Oct 20, 2008 18:01

They have a neato machine at Advance Auto, which connects to your battery to tell you if it is bad or not. It has a built in printer. My battery, rated at 450 Col'Crankin'Amps was only putting out 41CCA. So I replaced it. Of course I couldn't justify getting anything but the very cheapest cheapo that they had, but I -almost- went for the upgrade because el cheapo is just butt ugly. Then logic prevailed, and I plunked down for the cheapo after all. Strangely, the counter babe seemed suprised that I didn't want or need anyone from the store to either remove or re-install the battery. See, there's this thing that happens when you are an overweight person, where folks pass judgement about you being able to do even the simplest of tasks because obviously you can't prevent yourself from spending the day stuffing twinkies down your throat. It's kind of funny but gets annoying.

Onward then to the rest of the day>

Mainly I spent about 3.5 hours wrangling with the timeline in Flash Cs3. I mention that the version I have is from Cs3 because the MANUAL I have is for Flash 5...waaaaaay back when Flash was still a Macromedia thang baaby. So, even though I RTFM, some of the things just aren't jiving. I almost punched the timeline in the effing face a few times. I want to grab the little blocks and move them around like you do on a music sequencer, but it isn't exactly the same thing. The other day I did a tutorial that went pretty well, but it 8 out of the 11 steps focused on drawing tools, not frames and tweening and all that fun stuff. You know how sometimes you just start farting around with a program and then all of sudden you just "get it"...yeah well, that hasn't happened to me with Flash yet. I'll get it though.

On the downside I am pretty bummed about missing all this great weather for bike riding. Bleh...I hope all this cramming tutorials and such pays off. Otherwise I'll want my time back and I'll have one more reason to be pissed at the world.

car, computer

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