Just wanted to note that I got my final grades last night. My final total GPA at Lanier Tech is 3.89.
I'm pretty happy about that. Damn happy. Heres the thing. I know it isn't the best school in the world, and I know that compared to 4 year school computer folks I have very little in the way of experience or education, so I won't be able to apply for a lot of the jobs I see involving web design / development....BUT...on the upside, I set a goal and I achieved it. I have a great base from which to continue enlarging my skill set, and I have a slew of instructors who will write me letters of recommendation when and if I need them. Its really up to me to develop a portfolio and get my hustle on. I can honestly say that seeing this whole thing through has goven me a different perspective. At first I may have to do some box humping when I get back to Georgia, because I have to start generating income on the quick, but I am positive I will not get -stuck- being a human forklift. I'm waaay more confident now than I was 5 quarters ago, not just about school but about life in general.
My immediate goal is not unobtainable. All I want to do is work a job where I don't get dirty, and don't come home so tired that the ONLY thing I can do is go to bed otherwise I wouldn't make it in the next day. I just want to be allowed to have a little bit of a life -after- work ya know?
I knew when I signed up for the web design program that ultimately I wanted to learn about it to apply the skills to my own projects, not neccesarily to crank out sites for clients. It will always kill me that if I had known web design when I was working at REWIND, I could have been on pace with converting our shop to an online business and maybe squeezed a few more years out of it. That situation would not happen again. At the very least, if I didn't do the design work for my own enterprise myself, I can speak the right language to get what I want from a developer/designer. I know what the tools do, even if I don't operate them as well as some other folks.
The school thing may not be over for me. Even though I said a few senetences ago that I -wanted a job where I don't get dirty-, I AM considering re-enrolling in my schools welding program. Once again, it isn't so much that I want to get a job at the plant welding the same flange joint for 40 years,...no, I want to know how to make a bicycle frame! I figure if I kee aligning my study habits with my passions, eventually there will be a big bang moment and it will all come together.