funny cheat

Aug 16, 2008 22:14

Somehow, I managed to find the word .docs of the next three chapter tests in my least favorite class. They show the questions, all the multiple choice answers, and list the page number where the answer can be found in the book. I didn't know about the page number portion til after I finished the test I just took because I never scrolled to the bottom of the document.

IN BIKEY NEWS, I am avoiding going out to the workshop and shortening the chain on my BMX bike. The locknut on the bottom bracket is stripped also, so every time I ride I have to tighten up the BB every 20 minutes or so. I took the seat off my MTB and put it on the BMX bike. Now I need a MTB seat. Over at my bikey blawg I posted about a $429 seat. You gotta have some seriously fancy butt cheeks to deserve a $429 seat.

At the skatepark, I have learned this trick called a -double peg stall-. It looks like this:

You ride up the transistion, hop into the air and twist, then hook your two pegs over the coping, stall out, then drop back in. It sounds easy, and in this pic, it probably looks easy, but it is NOT EASY. See how this guy has his one foot up off the deck on the flat side to the left...well, when I do them my pedal hits the deck, so they don't look quite as jammin as this one does. Once you get these dialed in, then you can start doing them with some momentum that makes you actually grind along the coping, which is going to be freakin awesome.

bicycle, school

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