Gapemouth icon delivers the sportscast

Jun 16, 2008 22:48

The playoff between Tiger and Rocco today was pretty sick. The lead changed hands enough to keep you on the edge of your seat, and of course at 18 it ended up in a tie. I'm a big Tiger fan...I love it when he bends gravity and manipulates the topography via mental control to sink shots. But I spent the entire day rooting for Rocco, because he just would NOT give up. Even though Rocco didn't win, he will get years of mileage out of the highlight reels from this touney.

After the nail-biter was over, I managed to get a bike ride in, AND did some swimming. I'm trying to actually swim at least a little bit while I am in the pool instead of just jumping in and floating around being cooled off. Our pool is small but swimming a few laps is still pretty tough.

IN BOCCE NEWS, the annual Eric Esposito July 4 Invitational Bocce Fest and Cookout is looking to be even better this year than last. Ca$h prize for the tourney, keg beer, Frogmore Stew...all inclusive. It has gotten to the point now that they are even charging a little loot for folks that come but don't play, so that hey can share in the food particles and bevulate themselves. Deepest roots dub and wicked soul funk on the soundsystem all day = high vibe factor. I need to get some court time in because I have m eyes on the prize$$$$

sports, fun

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