I would have used an LJ cut, but I didn't.

Mar 20, 2007 19:29

Since it was freakin beautiful out today, I was headed out to get some biking in. BUT, I was kinda bummed that last time I went to George Pierce Park, I couldn't find the geocache I was after. I needed to find it, in order to get a key out of it, to find unlock the OTHER cache I wanted to find. Well, after digging in to the cache logs, I actually found a discrepancy with the record keeping regarding which cache the key was actually in, and decided that since I had figured out that portion of the problem, I might as well give the actual cache the key was in a try.
It was a in a multi-cache called Last Leaf. A multi-cache is a hide that you have to go through several steps to find...each step giving you more clues toward the final location. I had never done a Multi before.

The cache page did not list how many steps there would be...there were 8 in all. This made the hunt a little frustrating at times, but I pushed on. Heres a series of photos that will give you an idea of what finding the clues was like. I have put an arrow pointing to the clue so you can get an idea of how hard it was to see from far away, and each picture gets closer to the find.

Yes, its pointing at the clue...seriously.

Now you can clearly see the object the clue is on...

...And finally, the view from right in front of the clue.
The numbers you see are the last three digits of the longitude and latitude, of the location of the NEXT clue. I had to find 8 of these bad boys...lemme tell ya...I was glad I tried this when there weren't many green leaves in the trees...I would have never found some of these if the woods were in full bloom. Also, the actual clues are on FAKE leaves with wire stems...a very clever sort of camouflage

Eventually i got to the final hide, which was a standard ammo can cache. I found the key for George's Treasure inside, and decided to hoof it to that cache instead of going to get my bike out of the car and riding there. The walk was about half a mile. Finding this cache was no problem, but I do have to say my GPSr was really not very accurate today. The trees must have been really messing with the signal. Every find I made was abouot 30-40 ft off the mark. Thats acceptable I 'spose...

All told I probably hiked about 2-2.5miles to get these two caches!

After all the caching adventures were through, I biked the standard out and back route that I usually do at Suwanee Greenway. I wasn't in a rush, but the stats still came back pretty nice:

Total Distance:                      8.25mi
Average Speed:                    9.6mph
Time Moving:                         43min 30 sec
Butt Pain From Seat Level:  low to none...it was a good day that way

oh yeah, I listened to bluegrass pretty much the whole time...no really

geocaching, bicycle, fun

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