I'm crushing on him big time and it certainly doesn't help that I'd really, really love to act with him. He is beautiful and inspiring and charming and hilarious and I adore him. Thank you.
First off, he's not only a talented actor but he's a musician.
UNF! Double up, UNF UNF!
He went through a really bad period where he was on drugs and drinking and shit. He's clean now, but he smokes.
It's hot, though.
Gloriously so.
He also is shirtless a lot, but you'll notice that as we go...
...but right now focus on this because gah-damn.
No really, I'm not sure you have fully grasped the sex that is oozing from that picture. Here it is again, a little bigger:
While you recover from that, let's move onto something a little less tempting:
If you haven't seen this movie yet, go do it. If not for the amazing acting, do it for the obvious ghey.
I'm not fucking joking.
Or you could go see it strictly for this delicious scene.
...But back to smiles!
Second frame. My heart.
Ellen, I loved you before, but you made his face like this. You are amazing.
Pinky bite, oh my gawd.
LMFAO this movie kills me, I don't even know.
So cute. Also, on his left, that's his son. He is also cute :)
:D :D :D
I would say that he should just keep his fingers away from his mouth *__*
B&W picture time :)
The one on the left is jadfio;efajksdf
You need to look at this one again, trust me.
He's also really hot as Tony Stark.
That being said, I cannot wait until Iron Man 2!
Another reason you should go see Sherlock Holmes. I swear, they knew I was going to watch and thought, "Hey, lets put a little bit of Fight Club in here just so Sarah will DIE."
And now for pictures I have no category for but are still nommable:
He is goofy :D
And also sexy.
So this ends my RDJ picspam. I have so much respect for him not only as an actor but also as a person. He seems like such a great guy.
And even if you don't like his movies, or don't like his acting or don't think he's good looking... I have to say, he and Brendon Urie do have one thing in common: