So! Because I've been bored, Lenalee's been playing in my mind, Nano's coming in a week or so and God knows I need a challenge to kick my brain into writing gear, I decided to torture myself with this little project. And because I'm a person with an OCD, I have a few simple rules. Don't worry, they're pretty, well, simple.
01. Introduction
02. The World Starts With Me
03. Innocence
Dreams06. Creation
Childhood08. The Odds
09. Puppy Love
10. Sunrise
11. Morning
Kisses 13. Shine
Precious15. Preliminary
16. Squeal
Pinkie Promise18. Silver Lining
19. Naive
20. Shelter
21. Always
Gray23. Smile
24. Hold My Hand
25. Kick In The Head
26. Eyes
27. Fairy Tail
I Heart U29. Dive
30. Prelude
1. Request whatever you want as long as it's Lenalee-centric a fic with Lenalee in it *shot* Any type of pairings you want, indicate it. Heck, I even accept KomuLena or TykiLena or whateverLena. I'll do this kind of request again on a gen series scale.
2. Request as many as you want BUT! Wait until I finish one before requesting another.
3. Everything written here will be a DRABBLE. Which will probably be written the moment you comment and will probably be replied to your comment. So it'll be short and quick. If you want a full fic, uh, we'll see. It'll come at a longer time.
4. New comment per request please. I become insane when the order of things is messed up.
5. Aside from the prompts above, you can include whatever else prompt you want. The more prompts you give me, the better. It's like inspiration fertilizer. Also, indicate if you want it romantic, friendship yaddah yaddah
6. If you do request smut, I can't assure you that it'll be good and it won't be a full-blown thing. They're only drabbles, after all. Not to mention, I kinda suck at writing them. But I'll do my best!
Lastly, have fun! I know it's kinda limited but think of it as testing waters. If I get better, I'll open moar request posts like this yay!
Character/Pairing; Table theme and number;Anything else you want to add?