yes..becusae you see so many pictures of ME right??
your my friend? right?? youv seen the many folders i have named 'me'
well at least i can take pictures of myself...knwoing what im doing..instead of going around school asking ppl i dont even know if they want to see me on meth. wow. real mature.
im annoying? who do you know? you ahve no friends you ahve megan. wow.
megan is a rumor spreading twat...while you are a theif. while both of you guys are consumed with drugs. live once. so at age 16 we will fuck ourselves wth meth and coke and heroin. wow. good decision!!
when are YOU ever there for whitney? you get rides from her to go meet your drug dealers....all you use ehr for rides to go to go have go get your drugs. when do you acutalyl HANG out with her?? sober?
your the one that no one likes. i acutalyl HAVE friends. i have people that care about have ONE person to back you up . and tahts megan. who is on drugs 80 % of the time..and pissed off. she is an ANGRY child...especially at me so she will say and do whatever she can to make me seem liek the bad person..when she knows SHES the one that hurt herself. NOT me. so of are her only friend. seh doesnt lie to you liek she does the rest of the world. i have ppl taht like me. not people who use me to fuck me. im better than that. and better than you.
we will fuck ourselves wth meth and coke and heroin. wow. good decision!!
since when did i do meth coke or heroin? not since ive lived in washington. u dont even know what teh fuck your talking about. i read this and laughed. and maybe the reason i only hang out with a couple of people at school is because i know just how immature and lame high schoolers really are. u try to be different but really ur just like everyone else, an immature, gossiping high schooler. grow up.
holy shit!! did you just tell me you havnt done coke meth and heroin since you got home?? haah FUCK THAT!! you screamed around school so ppl could see pics of you on meth.
yes II gossip. when really i jsut tell teh truth. you dont even fuckign know me. your not up to my standards to know me.
i try to be different? who said that? did i come up to you asking how i wanted to be different? i recall jsut being who i am...
ps. wear a shirt to wehre we dont ahve to see your nasty ass beer belly and boobies.
your my friend? right?? youv seen the many folders i have named 'me'
well at least i can take pictures of myself...knwoing what im doing..instead of going around school asking ppl i dont even know if they want to see me on meth. wow. real mature.
im annoying? who do you know? you ahve no friends
you ahve megan. wow.
megan is a rumor spreading twat...while you are a theif. while both of you guys are consumed with drugs. live once. so at age 16 we will fuck ourselves wth meth and coke and heroin. wow. good decision!!
when are YOU ever there for whitney? you get rides from her to go meet your drug dealers....all you use ehr for rides to go to go have go get your drugs. when do you acutalyl HANG out with her?? sober?
your the one that no one likes. i acutalyl HAVE friends. i have people that care about have ONE person to back you up . and tahts megan. who is on drugs 80 % of the time..and pissed off. she is an ANGRY child...especially at me so she will say and do whatever she can to make me seem liek the bad person..when she knows SHES the one that hurt herself. NOT me. so of are her only friend. seh doesnt lie to you liek she does the rest of the world. i have ppl taht like me. not people who use me to fuck me. im better than that. and better than you.
since when did i do meth coke or heroin? not since ive lived in
washington. u dont even know what teh fuck your talking about. i read
this and laughed. and maybe the reason i only hang out with a couple
of people at school is because i know just how immature and lame high
schoolers really are. u try to be different but really ur just like
everyone else, an immature, gossiping high schooler. grow up.
yes II gossip. when really i jsut tell teh truth. you dont even fuckign know me. your not up to my standards to know me.
i try to be different? who said that? did i come up to you asking how i wanted to be different? i recall jsut being who i am...
ps. wear a shirt to wehre we dont ahve to see your nasty ass beer belly and boobies.
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