Etiquette Hell: bouquet toss hell

Aug 18, 2016 15:40

Wedding Wednesday: You Will Catch This Bouquet

Wow. OP is a single woman who's facing 'wedding season' and wants to avoid being pressured into the bouquet toss. She's asking for advice on how to do it, since the last wedding she was at, the bride stopped the party to pressure her into joining the bouquet toss.

Stopped the party.


What. The. Everloving. FUCK.

And a whole bunch of the comments are "but it's tradition!" and "I can't believe you'd make a fuss over what's a silly little thing and spoil the bride's day". (To be fair, a lot of the comments are "whoa, hells to the no, bride was outta line", but still...)

I posted the suggestion that she not only say "No, thank you," but also point out that her pleasure in the day will be materially spoiled by being forced to do something she doesn't want to do. That's probably the best one can hope for - some people will simply keep pushing because "it's tradition", although I personally think it's because they're control freaks who can't stand the idea that not everyone wants to do the traditional thing.

link, etiquette hell

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