the chiro did say it would get worse before it got better

May 20, 2016 15:52

Now that the gum swelling has gone down, the stitches have appeared and are starting to annoy me. Usually, this would not be a concern seeing as the surgeon would take them out in a week.

Unfortunately, the surgeon has gone on holidays from today and won't be back until June. Sooo...either I find another surgeon, or live with a mouth full of stitches for a month. And that's assuming that my surgeon isn't so idiosyncratic with his stitches that someone else can't unpick them and remove them.

It may get better.

However, today I started getting the head twinges again - back right scalp. I don't see the chiro for another week - they advised a break during the week of the surgery. I do have a massage booked for tomorrow, the difficulty might be persuading her not to go above the neck. (Sometimes the more alternative massage practitioners seem to take 'please don't touch X' as a directive that they should specifically work on X instead of avoiding it. Has anyone else noticed this?)

The chiro I saw while mine was on a break said "don't be surprised if everything gets worse for a while, but then clears up once you get the tooth out". So I'm holding out that this is temporary and not the next stage of worse.

*sighs and digs in*


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