down one tooth

May 18, 2016 17:20

One extraction surgery, one tooth removed, one implant put in, stitching happening.

I was under sedation with a local, not a general, which meant I kind of zoned out. Semi-aware when they asked me to open my jaw, move this way, if I was okay, but not really conscious. It's an interesting feeling. I 'woke up' once they were done, and the jaw and tongue and lip on the right side were numb which, well, expected.

Came home with my mum, took some antibiotics and painkillers (panadeine + codeine) with a little food, lay down for a couple of hours, woke up just as the numbness began to wear off.

Let me tell you, if this is with painkillers, I'd really hate to be without.

I've found this before with panadeine + codeine; it doesn't work on me. My sister goes loopy, but I don't seem to feel it. A nurse friend suggested oxycodene which is apparently one step below morphine and therefore difficult to get, but my doc (my uncle) has promised that if it doesn't improve or gets worse, then he'll write me a script and talk to the pharmacy about issuing some.

I don't remember how much it hurt the last times I had extractions; there was the wisdom teeth when I was 18, and the 27-molar extraction (the mirror of the one I got out today) about 10 years ago.

Actually, going through my old LJ, it was 12 years ago - the post is here. And it's good to read and compare. LJ, you have proven useful. (Even if there are no tags with which to hunt for the post.)

I think I need to eat something, and then go lie down. My brain is still not quite on the ball right now.


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