all the other things that aren't fannish

Jun 22, 2015 06:09

Torn calf muscle is healing well. I've jogged on it a little (a very little) and walked on it a lot. Going to have to start up a little running again, and probably some gym work.

I played goalie for two teams at hockey last night. First game: lost 3-0 - two to a striker who could do the switch-flick really well (every goalie's nightmare). Second game: won 1-0 after keeping out some tricky goals.

Also: it made a difference that the backs in the second team (which is Team 1 - the team I played with last year) are really solid. Actually, the whole team is solid - I do miss playing with people who know what they're doing and how to play with each other. I probably do belong in Team 2 (I'm not that good) but sometimes it's so frustrating when we hold possession too long, won't tackle the opposition, and don't move in to get the ball first.


It's been lovely having andveryginger around to visit: both staying over and just generally in town to hang out with. *smooches* If you're ever in Sydney for one reason or another, peoples, I would love to meet up with you.


June has - as expected - been a little crazycakes on the events frontage. And that's with an injured leg that's taken me out of hockey and out of my quilting work!

Still, it's been so busy that I've had to pull out of
wipbigbang. And I think I'm not going to sign up for the usual panoply of 'summer' ficathons. Besides which Maria/Steve is no longer a rarepairing, so my primary reason for going into the rarepairing swaps is kind of defunct.


Work is inbetween projects, which means lots of little jobs and I don't do so well at those. So here begins the next week of 'clients with high expectations and deadlines'.

And it's cold. Why does winter have to be cold?

work, hockey, life

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