so tired

May 04, 2015 23:12

Really need to get to bed before midnight. Even if I can't stop my body waking up at 5am, maybe I can persuade my brain not to get in on the act for a couple of hours until the alarm goes off?

Also: either really unfit or getting old. Body hurts after hockey. And this is me without any physical issues! I can't imagine being one of the women dealing with, oh, knees, and ankles, and feet and wrists and things that need binding week after week after week.

I do hope it's unfit. At least I can do something about unfit.

Have 45 minutes to midnight. The race is on...

Oh, and here, have some quilt that I made over the weekend:

That's the half-finished version, I'll post a pic of the full one up when I'm done, along with an explanation of the process. (Basically: I had an assigment for a quilt exchange, I forgot about it, and had to do a rush job over the weekend.)

quilt, hockey, life

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