moving exhaustion

Nov 04, 2014 12:21

We've moved, but the whole saga of moving is still going.

On the new home front there's the unpacking, the sorting, the storing, the rearranging.

At the old house front there's the sorting, the selling, the cleaning, the throwing away.

The really bad bit was helping B2 to throw out a lot of stuff that she doesn't need and hasn't used in months. Things that we've been at her to sort through for months - one box a week, that's all. But she wouldn't then. She was busy with work and her socialising (particularly her socialising). She got a cold. She had an assignment. She was on holidays.

I'm glad I'm not moving in with her. At least B1's excuses for not unpacking at the new end aren't unreasonable: she has health issues and she's always tired. Still, it's going to be hard for a while - she's sleeping in the lounge room because we don't have flyscreens yet and the airflow there is better than in her room, and she doesn't have an external screen over her east-facing room, so it gets pretty hot in there when the sun's out. This, however, means that I can't really arrange the lounge room to be a sitting/relaxing space. I only have my bedroom (which is very warm in the afternoons) or the workroom, with the computers and all my quilting projects prompting me to do things.

Small things accumulating.

Even unpacking my own stuff is stressful - where to put everything, considering whether I really need these things after all, working out when and where I'll have time/space to sell the things I don't need, and so on.

Sometimes it feels like it'll never end.

Even this last week has been preparing for the garage sale this weekend. Plus, I've been putting things on Ebay right, left, and centre. And getting a pittance for them, but at least they're going. Still, that's stressful too.

Thank God for my stepfather. B2 may grumble about how he takes over, but if he didn't take over the garage sale, we'd just be paying someone else thousands of dollars to take the lot away.

I was averaging 4 hours of sleep a night for the week before and the week after we moved. I'm up to about 6 hours now. But I need a day or two where I don't have to think about anything moving related, where I can lie in bed until I get out, then amble over to a couch/lounge chair and flop for a while, before going out and tending my garden/cooking up a storm/doing some quilt piecing.

Then again, I'll probably just wake up and want to unpack more boxes again...

Things should ease off after the 14th November - the day we hand in the keys to the building corporation who is going to turn our house and the four others in the land parcel into a bajillion apartments that will sell for about half what our house was worth.

house, stressed, life

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