two words: pest inspection

Jul 14, 2014 08:17

Well, and building inspection. And electrical inspection.

I mean, the woman who lived there had family who came up from Canberra for the auction. The house was lived in - neat, in the way of houses that are up for sale/auction, but lived-in. And her son is a builder, and didn't seem like the kind to just let her live in a house that's falling down.

But the house is older. It needs a building, pest, and electrical inspection.

And I'm antsy about that. *sigh*

(Sorry, you're going to get periodic Sel-has-house-issues posts for the next couple of weeks/months. I shall try to intersperse it with fannish posts and stuff, but...yeah. Gonna be a bit all over the place - as compared to not here at all...)


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