V-Day rhymes with D-Day

Feb 16, 2013 08:53

Only not in my world.

I've never had a problem with Valentines' Day. I'm cynical about it, naturally, but it doesn't bother me being single.

There's probably a number of reasons for this: my parents have never given me crap about being single, the chances of my finding someone to marry are low (if I want to marry someone who shares my faith, then there are many fewer Christian men than there are Christian women), my friends have generally been fairly inclusive of me after they got married, and my sisters are single, too.

Sometimes it bothers me a bit, more on the "I would have liked to give my mum grandkids" front, although, yes, BAD REASON TO PARTNER UP, YO. But I'm rarely lonely and never 'alone', although I do tend to be a solitary soul.

At any rate. For all my friends who 'made it' through V-Day (THE TACKY, THE TACKY, IT BURNS US, PRECIOUSS!) single, well-done and major *hugs*. For those who made it through with a partner - awesomesauce. Love each other well and hard 364 days of the year, and let the rest of the world celebrate your love, too, on V-Day.

...you know sometimes I think that if I hadn't discovered the internet, I might be partnered and married with kids by now.

On the other hand, I suspect my life would have been a lot less varied. :)

*hugs y'all*

I love you guys. Happy V-Day.

faith, thoughts, meta, life

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