Yesterday, Zack, Chris and I went to see Man Man in Columbus!!! Man Man is probably part of what's responsible for me not caring so much about Dir en grey anymore. (besides that I think I've grown up, while Dir en grey hasn't, and the shitty fanbase. . .) Man Man is definitely one of my favorite bands, so I have been ridiculously excited for this for as long as I've had my ticket. (I will post video once Chris uploads them.)
Even though it's two hours away, we didn't leave Kent until 6:45 for a concert at 9. It was cutting it close, and we missed some of the opening act, Yeasayer, but that's ok. Zack and Chris had friends who actually live in Columbus there, so we managed to get up close in front of Pow Pow (the drummer.)
Man Man's set up takes some explaining. First, the drum set and keyboard are in the front facing each other, ver close to the edge. Second, each member of Man Man, (except maybe Pow Pow, as he has his hands full with percussion) has at least 3 or 4 instruments in front of him, which get switched out from song to song. Chris was really nice and let me stand in front of him, which was great because I felt like every member of the audience was an extremely tall hipster. As an added bonus, he protected me from the crowd, which made wild stage rushes every couple of minutes.
Man Man doesn't take breaks between songs and it was really intense. It was beyond amazing, and one of the best concerts I've EVER been to, if not THE BEST. (sorry, Dir in Albany, this was better.)
Set list: (probably not in order, but it's a loose attempt)
Mister Jung Stuffed
Easy Eats or Dirty Doctor Galapagos
Hurly Burly
Banana Ghost
Big Trouble
Tunneling Through the Guy
The Ballad of Butter Beans
Harpoon Fever
Gold Teeth
Top Drawer
Doo Right
Young Einstein on the Beach
English Bwudd
Van Helsing Boombox
Highlights: In The Ballad of Butter Beans, Honus Honus put on sequined things and threw gold coins, spoons, and a plastic snake as percussion. Also. Gold Teeth. YES!!!!!
The encore songs were the best! Doo Right is always just amazing, and Young Einstein on the Beach is so much fun to scream. In English Bwudd, the audience all overwhelming yelled the appropriate parts, ("GET THE FUCK OUT OF MYYY HOUSE!!" "MY HOUSE, MYYY HOUSE!!!") and Van Helsing Boombox is the best. (actually, as Van Helsing Boombox started, Zack tapped my arm and I was incredibly confused as both of Chris's arms were in view and I had no fucking clue who else would be touching me. But I understood when the song started.) Van Helsing Boombox would probably be one of Man Man's most famous songs, but that's because it's so good. It's just the greatest thing!
Afterwards, we shook hands with Honus Honus (the vocalist, keyboardist, etc.) and went to a restaurant. Then we tried to get bubble tea, but it was closed, so we tried Wendy's, which was also closed, and ended up at McDonalds. Zack drove my car back, as I was way too tired and was kind of falling asleep, probably because my allergies were really wearing me down with a sore throat and I have almost no voice today.
Zack: (admiring how my car drives)
Me: I feel like I'm going to go get my car sometime and you'll be there dry humping it.
Zack: There won't be anything dry about it.
To conclude, if you ever have a chance, go see Man Man live!!!