half these questions are ridiculous, but it's your chance to embrace anonymity ----->
1. What do you honestly think of yourself?
2. Are you happy with your life at this point?
3. Were you generally happy with your life in the past?
4. How many true and close friends do you have?
5. What would you do for your friends?
6. Nicest thing you ever did for anyone?
7. Worst thing you ever did to someone (intentionally)?
8. Worst thing you ever did to someone (unintentionally)?
9. Do you believe in good and evil?
10. If so, which is there more of in you?
11. Would you lie to me to make me feel better?
12. Would you lie to me to make me feel worse?
13. How much do you trust me?
14. How much do you think I trust you?
15. What do you hide from me?
16. What do you think I hide from you?
17. Let's be honest. How much do you like me?
18. How much do you hate me?
19. How often?
20. Give me a compliment.
21. Give me a criticism.
22. What classical song hits close to home?
23. What modern song?
24. Have you ever dreamt about me?
25. If so, what was the dream about?
26. Do you find more comfort or sadness in looking back on memories?
27. Do I frustrate you?
28. Tell me something that has no relevance now but that would have meant something before.
29. In general, how friendly do I act towards you?
30. How often do we talk?
31. How extensive/in-depth are our conversations?
32. What worries you about me?
33. What impresses you about me?
34. What is missing from our friendship?
35. Recommend a book for me to read.
36. Recommend a movie for me to watch.
37. What is my hidden power?
38. Assign me an "element" and explain why you picked it.
39. What do you see in my eyes?
40. What would you like me to see in yours?
41. What instrument do you think I should play?
42. You are on an epic adventure. Am I the swordsman, archer, mage, healer, minion, villain, rogue, or double-agent?
43. Why?
44. Assign me a mythological creature and explain why you picked it.
45. What is it you think we have in common?
46. What do you think we do not have in common?
47. What is the significance of that difference?
48. Tell me something I do not know.
49. Keeping in mind that this is an anonymous comment, ask of me a favor.
50. Do you think I'll do it?
i really need to start writing people letters and sending gifts.
people always do it for me, and yet i hardly ever do it for others.
maybe i lack a giving spirit.
how sad.