I guess I've been kind of a lurker here. In fact I realized that I had actually stopped checking livejournal altogether. And there is a reason for that.
You Can Fly I started a new blog. Right after Thanksgiving, I had a really shitty weekend. Well, I had a weekend. And lots of shitty things happened in it. And some good things happened. But I didn't even remember those things, I just kept bitching about all the shit. Which is when I realized that I need to be more positive. So I made a new journal. It's a combination of the everyday recap kind of blog, a focus on positive things blog, and just plain talkin' about and linkin' to cool shit that makes me happy.
I'll still be here, keep up with the friends who still post here. But I think I've grown past this crazy experiment called my livejournal and I needed to start fresh to match my fresh attitude.
Happy New Year to everyone. I wish the best to you all. Check out my new blog.
~The Rock Star is rockin' out.