Let me tell you. If you have had a car accident, a good way to erase the memory of it, temporarily anyway, is to have Chinese takeout and fancy coffee and watch a gay vampire movie with one of your best friends and then have massages, ice cream, sushi, go to a play, drink a lot of wine, have a sleepover, eat a giant breakfast and then go shopping with the other one. It was a truly fantastic weekend and thanks to Sarah and
violawoodpecker for the comfort, the happy times, and all the driving.
I still have no car and despite being told "the adjuster will contact you in 2 business days to let you know when they are going to look at the car," it's now Day 4 and I can't even get a hold of anyone in the office that assigns the adjuster, much less anything else. And I'm going out of cell range in 2 days so this is fucked. That and I have to go into a courtroom tomorrow and plead not guilty to running a stop sign which, anyone knows I would never do. At which point I guess a hearing date will be set which I hope will fall after I return from vacation. I also hope it falls after I get my car back because the court is walking distance from my house but it's a hike.
Assuming I get my car back, which is to say, assuming I have the money to get my car back, which is to say, work is pulling another doozy on me. I was told two days ago to stop what I'm working on and stand by as the project I was given has been pulled by the client and they no longer want to do the project. As someone who, as recently as this year, had almost this exact thing happen to me, resulting in 5 months of no work and forced temping, you can see how this makes me a little nervous. Of course my employers are pissed at the client and are on the phone all the time yelling at them to try to get us something else, which means they have no time to talk to me and tell me not to worry.
So it was a pretty bad week for the girl I switched shifts with at the cafe to forget to come in for my shift that she said she'd work. I just didn't need to be yelled at by my other employer, even though it's her fault and everybody knows that. That and she revoked the shift she had given me in exchange meaning that including last week, this week, and next week, I will have worked all of ONE shift, and am only getting the measly money that comes with that.
Everything is fucked again and I am tryiing not to freak out, but it is hard and as you can see, I have every right to be freaking out at this point.
~The Rock Star needs a fairy godmother.