alas. instead of doing research, i'm writing poems again.

Oct 30, 2007 20:17


as the weather gets colder when i am far from the sea,
a thin film of salt forms beneath the layers i lurk within.
my worth is measured in salinity.

the drops that bore the salt have left me subtly,
leaving their tracks, deserting my often-dreamed inner flippers and fins
as the weather gets colder when i am far from the sea.

the rime embroiders itself on the skin that stitches in me,
announces the surplus warmth i’ve conjured (too much to hold in).
my worth is measured in salinity.

the moon may pull the tides; the ocean, exuberantly,
pulls the sun’s heat to its side, and i, abandoned:
the world gets colder when i am far from the sea.

my simple withdrawal inland forces a plea
from my breeze-crazed limbs to return where they have been:
those toes might once again measure salinity.

and so i test my skin’s productivity,
running my tongue along collarbone, shoulder skin,
and as the weather grows colder, far from the sea,
all i deem worthy is salinity.
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