Oct 08, 2006 00:29
I guess I was wrong about everything concerning the stomach bug. I've spent most of Thursday, all of Friday and most of today in bed with a fever, an upset tummy, sneezing and a splitting headache. I slept through Friday although I had set the clock to see the BSG premiere which I also taped. That was a smart thing to do as I drifted in and out and would have missed most of it. I saw the whole thing this afternoon - it was pretty good. I think Lee Adama picked up the weight I was losing - LOL! I'll sort it all out again later.
Still have a bit of a headache and a runny nose but I think I'll be ok. Fever's gone and I had a banana and some tea which stayed down so I'm on my way to a full recovery. Still very tired so I'll be back to bed in a bit. Going to have some soup first. I'm hungry but cautious about putting anything else on my stomach. We'll see.
Hope everyone is having a much better weekend than I'm having. :)