Feb 02, 2004 22:38
life iz soo confusinq ;[ wuuut .
i wish my life waz PERFECT . nOo worriez . nOo problemz none of that bullshyt
well today haz been ok not too qood but not az i planned .
1st period - some ref told david to hook me up wit him =X
after first period since me and jorge have the same buildinq i wuz waitinq by the dOor for ashley and he wuz passinq by and he qave me the cutest SMILE , omq im such a nerd but bro i still have that smile in my head i mean i dunno why u quyz miqht think am so stupid but i think lil shit like thatz soo cute !!
2nd period - me . chichi and naty qot sent to csi for exclusion....whatz new!!
3rd period - sat allll the way in da back . jOrge had hiz head down tha whole period cuz he wuz tired ;[ soo i didnt qet to talk to him !!
didnt qo to 4th period . i waz walkinq around in 1st lunch with jacky and alex`z best friend manny went upto us to say hi . i didn`t tihnk he wouLd . then me and her met up wit kenia in da community service b.s and 2 other refz wanted to qet with me and they qave me the nickname RUBIA in dat class lmao they dont even know me or my name soo datz how they know me by lmao how funny .
then kenia skipped to 2nd lunch and we stayed walkinq and went to the library to comer mierda and allan wuz dere eatinq shyt wit hiz boyz qod hez FIIIIINE wuuuuut.
5th period wuz stupid .
6th period jOrge had left early since he wuz feelin bad ;[ and hiz ex lady maria skipped to that class u dont understand i juz wanted to qo upto her and stick her . but wtf shez never done shyt to me sOo w.e u know i dont qot a reason to but w.e
after skool me and jacky stayed chillen with gino at da front of da skOol till my dad picked uz up and we dropped her off and we came home and datz bout it
i called alex cuz he had been callinq me like kkrazy these past dayz and we talked for a lil and datz bout it . dat niqquh can be annoyin but he str8 to talk to...when i need advice n shiet...he wantz to qet wit me thouqh...ehhhh
i qet the best feelinq when u SMILE or juzt LOOK at me , kuz i know even if itz for a second dat i crossed ur mind ;]
anywayz nothinq else to say sOo imma be out <33 muahz