Jan 22, 2004 23:30
Name: Yesenia
Nicknames: rubia . nanii . shorty . twiin . quera . yesii
Screen name: Iady stayz true
Sex: bOut it liL mama .
Birthday: january 14.
Height: 5 foOt 1
Hair color: qOlden blOnde
Is your hair long or short: reachez my hipz .
Eye Color: blue
City born in: i`m a 3O5 baby ;]
Location now: wackk azs kendall .
Siblings: a liL brother alfredito . [ qordo ]
Parents married/divorced: married
Who are your closest friends: chichi . jacky . alex . twiin
Who makes you laugh the most?: alex . jOrge . roach . chanel
Who knows the most about you?: mee
Kindergarten: qod dayum i cant think that far backk ;[ i thinkk anthony .
1st Grade: jOnathan
2nd Grade: frankie
3rd Grade: frankie
4th Grade: luis
5th Grade: luis
6th Grade: luis =X
7th Grade: 1 of my ex`s jonathan
8th Grade: jonathan
9th grade: jorge [ not the one from now ] . alex . flako . melvin
10th grade: alex . jorge . navit
11th grade: ......
12th grade: ......
Boy/girlfriend status: lonely .
Do you have a job: na - im such a scrub
What are you scared of: micheal myerz . railroad trackz and cuttin my hair `
Who's your role model: carmen electra <33
Most interesting thing you've done this summer: last summet i met alex ;] whOop whOop
What store do you shop at the most: dependz
Have you ever done any drugs: yea
Are you a ditz: nOo
Day of the week: friday niqhtz n saturdayz
Thing in your room: everythinq
Cousin: shorty . peter . jacky . kailuma
CD: mixed cdz
Song(s): too many
Animal: mOnkeyz
Ice Cream: mint chocolate chip
Drink: sprite
Thing to do: sleep . drinkk . blaze . dance . chill . beach . just be me
Movies of all time: the playerz club .
Hangout: beach . peoplez crib . my crib . anywhere
Favorite pizza topping: cheeze
Where do you see yourself in 10 years: married . fashiOn model . and livinq life to da fullest
If you could live anywhere: im happy here .
Dream house: by the beach
What age do you want to get married: before i hit dat 25 .
How many kids do you want: 3
Girl's names: lisandra . lisleidy . destiny . hennessy
Boy's names: damien n jose .
+++HAVE YOU EVER...+++
Been in love?: thouqht i was .
Lied?: yea
Cheated on a test?: always
Cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend?: yes .
Tied your shoes together?: probably
Eaten something with a lot of fat?: yea
Had sex?: yupp
Worst Feeling in the world: knowin u couldve been the happiest female in the world riqht now but ur not becuz u made the wronq decision ;[ sorry i just can`t accept the fact that i lost him cuz of my fault . when i had the fukken chance to be with him ! qrr
Best feeling in the world: havinq the person u love love u backk
Can you define love?: nah itz undescribable
Do you get along with your parents?: sOmetimez
Are you ticklish?: yup everywhere .
1st thing you notice about the opposite sex: steelOo . hair . face . lipz
Perfect "dream" date: as lonq as its wit that riqht person thatz all dat matterz .
What do you look for in the opposite sex: lOokz . personality . respectful . treatz his lady riqht .
What does the opposite sex not know about you: alot
What do you wear to bed: shortz n tank top
What's your bed time: whenever i feel sleepy .
Do you wish on stars: nope i qave up on that ;[
Is there a TV in your room: yuh
What's the last thing you do before you fall asleep: text messaqe people or talk on the phone or watch tv and think bout him .
How many schools have you been to: 4
Are you passive or aggressive: aqqresive
Vanilla or chocolate: vanilla
Would you rather be hot or cold: cold so a nigga could keep me warm ;]
What is your curfew: 2
Person you can trust the most: i hope - chichi and jacky -
What is the best quality of a friend: TRUST . understandinq . respect
What friend do you have the most fun with: all of them .
Name your friends: don`t really believe in them . trust me i have my reasOnz
Do you glow in the dark: wtf
Do you posses magical abilities: nOo
Do you keep your underwear and socks in the same drawer: nope
Can you name all 4 Teletubbies: nOpe
If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?: a few inchez taller . and look like carmen electra ;] lol
Have you ever tried to kill yourself: never had the ballz . i`ve thouqht bout it thouqh
Do you know anyone who SERIOUSLY wanted to kill themselves?: yup ;[
What are you addicted to?: pitbull ;]
Do you like jewelry?: yezz . GOLD .
Do you wear a watch?: eww no ;[
Did/Do you have braces?: nope
Do you believe in God?: yuh i just dont understand him .
Do you believe in love at first sight?: yuh
What are your favorite tv show(s)?: americaz next top model . or w.e datz called
What color tooth brush do you use?: itz of tigger
Is the glass half empty or half full: empty
Are you listening to any of your CDs at the moment: nOo