Some shyt abOut me ;]

Dec 27, 2003 00:20

1 . i LOVE pitbull .
2 . i hate clothes that aren`t tiqht or revealinq .
3 . i have alot of haterz ;]
4 . My twO biggest fearz are - Micheal Myerz and railrOad trackz -
5 . I`ve dyed my hair twice diz week ;]
6 . My favOrite colorz are pinkk and blackk
7 . I refuse to wear undiez that AREN`T thongz .
8 . Even when i have my periOd i wear thOngz !
9 . My idol is Carmen Electra
1O . I lOve reggaetOn
11 . I lOve ghettO chikkoz ;]
12 . My favOrite ride in the fair is the g fOrce
13 . I have alooooot of makeup .
14 . I have 3 pairz of pink pantz ;]
15 . I own tigger slipperz
16 . I`ve pierce my cartilagez like 5 timez
17 . I`ve pierced my 2nd hOlez like 5 timez tOo
18 . I hate my eye color [ blue ]
19 . My favOrite holiday is xmas
2O . I looove drinking ;[
21 . I lost my virginity 1 yr and 1 week ago !
22 . I refuse to qo anywhere without havinq my hair done . makeup on . or lookinq bummy
23 . I alwayz have to be lookinq qood even if itz to the qas station which i don`t even have to qet off !
24 . I like jOrge alot !!
25 . I like luther vandrOss songz
26 . i qet sad when i hear lOve sOngz
27 . My favOrite disney princesz is Cinderella ;]
28 . I lOve hush puppiez
29 . My lOnqest relatiOnship haz been 1O mOnthz n a few dayz
3O . My shOrtest wuz abOut 6 dayz or 1 week not sure ;[
31 . I`m nOt a hOe but i`m not prude for shyt
32 . That dOesn`t mean i`ll just fuck u riqht when i meet u but if ur even a LIL bit cute i`ll end up scamminq u by the end of the niqht
33 . Yezz temptatiOn iz a bytch =X and i`m capable of alot of shyt ..
34 . I`m a mOdel fOr barOn visual imagez ;]
35 . I`ve fucked a hOe up sOo bad once that i had her blOod on me .
36 . When i wuz 13 i fOught some puta who broke 1 of my frOnt teeth and they had to put it back !
37 . I`ve cryed over guyz many times
38 . When i fall for a nigga i fall hard
39 . It takez a while for me to fOrget bout past bOyfriendz
4O . I cry alot ;[
41 . I lOve drama facez
42 . I lOve clOwnz
43 . i thinkk rickky frOm barber shOp is sOo fuckinq sekzy
44 . when i heard pitbull`s sonq " oye " in da mOvie theater when i went to see 2 fast 2 furiOus i qot lOud as fuck and every1 wuz tryinq to shut me up =X
45 . Me and pitbull are married and have 2 beautifuL babyz + hiz liL baby qurl . sOo dat makez 3 liL gitz ` whOop whOop he just doesn`t know bout it ;]
46 . I loove skipping skoOl ;] i qot 3 dayz suspensiOn for it thouqh on da week before xmaz break ;[
47 . I loove Strawberry shortcake . Pink panther and Jessica Rabbit
48 . I hate prepz =X
49 . I refuse to eat a piece of an onion even if u would pay me $ 5,000 buckz .
5O . I loove PITBULL !
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