Dec 30, 2005 23:55
I reluctantly rolled out of bed at 9 this morning after snoozing my alarm 4 times. I didn't have to work but I was eager to wake up just to see Justin. He picked me up around 11 and we went and got some breakfast. Then we went back to his apartment. Haha. I'm not going into details but basically, I told him to lock his door just in case his brother came home early. Well, lo and behold, his brother came home early. It was not a good situation. I ran into the bathroom and Justin kept coming back and forth giving me my clothes. Hehe. It was so funnie now that I think about it though. I did finally get to meet his brother, Larry, though. I grabbed the 40-Year-Old Virgin DVD before I left his apartment so I could watch it at home. He dropped me off at home and I watched the movie. It was funnie but I thought Wedding Crashers was funnier. It did have it's moments though. I watched the bonus features and they were great too. After that, I was calling Justin to see what was going on but he wasn't answering his fone. This went on for about an hour until he finally answered. He told me he was somewhere and left his fone in the car. He came by my house at like 6:15. I brought out the DVD for him and his quad sticks, figuring he could teach me a little. I apologized to him for picking so many fights with him lately. I'm just freaked out being in such a perfect relationship. I kinda wanna have some problems with him. That fact that it's so perfect just scares me. It's like an accident waiting to happen. I feel like no guy can possibly be that perfect. No relationship can possibly be that perfect. However, right now it is. I'm sure problems will arise when we're together longer though. Things are always perfect for the first few months and then the problems begin. Unfortunately, most relationships are this way. I think i'm way too aware of the fact that he's leaving too. I'm letting it put a damper on his stay here. It's as if i'm trying to sabatoge my own relationship by causing problems that aren't even there. He's just going to leave and i'm just going to be miserable. Therefore, subconciously, i'm trying to cause fights with him so we can break up and that way, I won't have to miss him as much. It sounds so stupid. It is. Trust me, i'm not doing this on purpose, i'm realli not. Just, part of me is so aware that he can hurt me so bad so easily. I'm also aware that i'm just as capable of hurting him too. I make everything so complicated. I've always been that way. Instead of enjoying how good I have it, i'm trying to cause problems. That's me. I'm going to use m best efforts to just enjoy what little time I have with home and be happy even when he's in Hawaii. It's the least I can do to be truly happy with him in the end, right? I'm going to try not to nit-pick so much and just be happy. What reason do I have not to be? That's right. Absolutely none. I got good grades, I have the guy of my dreams (who my family approves of), my parents still love me after all i've done to them and i'm healthy. What more do I need? That reminds me. Since I probablly won't update again until past midnight tommorow, i'm going to write my resolutions now. However, they're more like "goals."
2005 milestones in review:
Began my relationship with Frittz.
Met my cousin Diane for the first time in 10 years.
I passed the HSPA so I could graduate high school.
My Aunt Laura came back from Iraq!
Enjoyed my last time being in honors choirs.
First Valentine's Day w/a bf.
Jessica & I weren't friends for a while.
Rejected from Montclair & William Paterson.
Ended my friendship with Mike.
Frittz and I broke up for 2 months.
Became best friends with Kevin.
Prom with Fredrick!
Graduation from high school!
Got a new cell as a graudation present! :)
Back with Frittz.
Began my BCC process.
Max went to the Virgin Islands. :(
Guy left CVS.
Hermies, (my hermit crab), died.
Carla gave birth to Alexa.
Got my lisence.
My first day of "college."
Frittz went to the Philippines.
Aunt Laura's wedding shower.
Broke up with Frittz for good.
Got a job at Bath & Body Works.
Quit CVS.
Got back together with Justin. (Best decision of my life.)
Aunt Laura & Uncle Keith's wedding.
2006 Goals:
1. Make my relationship with Justin work. No matter how much distance is between us, i'll never be happier with anyone else. Even though it's going to be unbearable cuz I miss him so much, I need to keep a clear head and just think about how happy he makes me.
2. Lose my virginity. Yes, this actually is one of my goals. No no no, not with just anyone. I want it to be with Justin so don't even think about it. Lolz. Just waiting for the right time. :)
3. Tramsfer out to University of Hawaii. I've been thinking about it a lot lately. Not just because of Justin, because of myself. It seems like a viable option. I have to get accepted first. Then i'll work out the details with my parents. If I don't, it won't be an issue.
4. Stop biting my nails. (I've been saying this one for the past 10 years and so far, i've been unsucessful.)
5. Have more fun with my life. I need to hang out with my friends more. I barely ever see my friends. The only ones I see are the ones I have classes with cuz i'm always at work or school. It's be awesome if I could spend more time with my times.
6. Continue to save up for a car. This ties in with #5 cuz it would be easier to hang out with my friends if I had a car to go from a to b.
7. Practice more piano & learn how to play drums if I can.
8. Expand my DVD collection. Seriously, I have barely any, this needs to change and SOON.
9. Maintain my job at BBW. I'm warming up to it there and I think I could do realli well there.
10. Continue to get good grades. I've been doing a really good job so far and I want to keep it that way.
11. Get a real cell phone. Seriously, I can't deal with this fuckin prepaid shit anymore. I need something with minutes and free nights and weekends for God's sakes!
12. Write more poetry and songs. It's realli theraputic and i've been slacking on it in the past year.
13. Try not to have beef with anyone and make up with those I do have beef with.
14. Fix my problems. (I say that one every year. While some do improve, most stay the same. Some things never change.)
15. Bond more with my family. You never know when something's going to happen and it's good to know your family while you can.
Nite all.
Working 10-2.
Hanging out with Justin.
New Year’s @ Simon’s.
Who the fuck cares what else?