May 16, 2005 17:07
friday* went to magic tan with kyle, chylled with steve, fi thack randy n britney came too. we went to dondeys, met wit with more ppl. went to randys shop for a lil bit, me n kyle went in jeremys car with grippo, blake n other guys to miami, they went in some strip club, we went to a bar took some shots, got drunk, i mean even more drunk lol. then me kyle, chylled in the van with brit n randy.. got bak to kyles at like 3ish.
saturday* randy piked me up, went to kyles, him and randy were doin beer funnels LOL, they did like 10 each lol... the thack showed up, and we went to pik up fi, then too taco bell, and we all chylled at mannys.. it was str8. got bak to kyles at like 2ish.
sunday* we went to carolines wit randy fi thack, then got back and chylled in kyles pool. had dinner, kyle took me to blockbuster, we got 3 movies, we watched ready to rumble, then we went to bed!