Feb 07, 2010 10:35
This summer was quite busy between PEI, Italy, then New Hampshire and Japan. While I love travel, I must admit, I am glad to be home.
As stated last semester, I will be hosting a fall charity party, with the theme being 'Space'. So anything from Space Marine to Barbarella to Predator. I think I will add in a costume contest for those so inclined. First prize, $250. Second prize, $125. Third prize, $75. The charity we will be supporting will be the Pretty Bird Woman House, a native shelter in South Dakota and the local womens' shelter as well, should one be of a 'think globally, act locally' bent. If you cannot donate money, their most pressing needs are for things like shampoo, diapers, under- and outer-clothing. We will be accepting donations of cash or items as an entry fee. I will once again, be quite generous with my hospitality, particularly in arranging rides should they be needed for those who might not be in a condition to see themselves home. At this point, it appears we are not firm on the scheduling, it will either be mid-October or mid-November. If anyone has definite opinions on timing, please do let me know.