Title: The Rectum is a Tomb (7/10)
Rating: R, this chapter
Pairings: S/K; others too numerous to mention
Summary: A 1980s British historical AU. After 20 years of teasing each other and hating themselves, Stan and Kyle are finally doing it, awww. Too bad the 80s are a bad time to be a moron.
Author's notes: a) Homage to the literary gay fiction of the 1980s, specifically Hollinghurst, but now it's just all over the place. b) I'm not British. c) This is so, so AU.
I'm so incredibly sorry this has taken seven months. This story is my fucking favorite but it is just so g.d. much. Anyway! Hey, guys. This is way too large to bother formatting for LJ, so please click through to FF.net:
The key to Kyle's flat was burning a hole in my pocket. Without him, my life was devoid of meaning. )