Licks back at Sach

Jul 06, 2004 09:13

The Magic Word.
Posted…nowheres….just a little prezzie for Sach.
From: A supersekrit admirer.

She sat on the balcony of her apartment, looking out at the night sky. It was clear and unblemished by clouds. She was too urban to be able to see stars well; the sky was a soft grey blue. She sighed and leaned her head back against the patio chair as she thought of the day’s events.

God, Angel had been a bear. His emotional range had run the gamut between cranky and downright irritable. Cordy had stayed out of his way and just tried to get through the day until….until…..her eyes closed as she remembered the exact moment it happened. At the time, it hadn’t seemed to be such a big deal; Angel needed a file and stomped out of his office and growled at her to get it. No please. No would you mind. She had remained seated, glaring at him before she pointedly ignored him and went back to researching the demon site online.

“Cordelia. I want it now.” Impatience made his voice rough.

“Yeah, well, I want to work with someone with manners. Doesn’t look like either of us is lucky today.”

“Cordelia.” His voice sharpened; it was fine-edged with anger, like the lash of a whip. “Let’s make-believe you earn your paycheck, ok? Get the damn Peyton file and get it now.”

“What is your freakin’ deal?” She jumped up and leaned over her desk. “Anyone else, I’d tell ‘em to go get laid. You’ve been such a whiny, lousy, cranky, grouchy bear…for a coupla weeks now. I do my job, asswipe, and just because that piece of Vienna sausage there isn’t getting any, don’t take it out on me.” On a tear now, she missed the flash of gold as his demon roared within him to teach this bitch a thing or two about how that mouth could be better used. “I’m going home, and I’m going to go do what we humans call ‘having a life.’ It entails little things like courtesy, and having friends, and treating them well.” She grabbed up her jacket and stomped around her desk, pausing at the door to turn and snarl back at Angel. “When you think you can actually not be an ass for longer than 10 minutes, let me know. Until then, go fuck yourself.” She walked two steps and turned back around. “Please.”

Angel stood still, hands clenched in his pockets. Bitch. Mouthy little bitch. She had no idea. She’d been walking around for quite some time now, all skimpy tops and tight jeans and bare belly and smooth, round ass…..and she wondered why he was cranky? She wanted manners? Bitch. He’d show her some manners. He’d show her his manners, and he’d make her like ‘em. He strolled upstairs, whistling, his hands relaxing in his pockets and a grim smile lining his lips as his cock began to harden with each step. Soon….as soon as it was dark, Ms. Cordelia Chase would find out exactly why he was cranky, and what it took to cheer him up.

Cordelia sighed, looking out into the night. She’d just left. And kinda hinted that she wouldn’t be back, until he apologized. Ok, gutsy move, hon, but the tummy kinda likes that whole food thing, and her body was used to having shelter. She sighed, looking up into the night. She was in the right here, and she refused to back down. He had to learn just how to treat her….

A thump on the balcony startled her and she looked over, shocked to see Angel calmly lounging against the railing two feet away from her. She jumped up and backed away a few steps till the opposite railing stopped her at her back.

“What the fuck is that about? Are you crazy? Well, crazier?” Cordy drew in a breath, not liking the calm set of his face. That was not the face of someone about to apologize.

“I’m showing my manners, Cordy. You seemed to want….a better acquaintance with them. Thought I’d come over and show ‘em off.” He leaned back, relaxed, till you looked in his eyes. She had seen that expression before. Usually just before he happily threw himself into battle that he knew was gonna be rough and that he was gonna win. Her eyes darted around and she looked off the balcony, her eyes wide.

“Oh my God, what’s that?” He looked out into the garden below and she shot into the apartment, turning around, and throwing her hands out at him waving them like she was trying to shake something off them.

“I…I…ah…I take it back! I uninvite you!” she finally barked out, triumphantly. The glee faded off her face as he looked at her a moment then calmly walked in and shut the balcony door behind him.

“Cordy, Cordy, Cordy. That wasn’t very nice.” His voice was calm. Strangely calm. She began backing away. He remained still, watching her closely. “An uninvite. Really. How…rude. And, by the way, how not whatever it was you were doing. You want some mojo for that, hon. Something like, oh….” His eyes never left hers as he took a small crystal out of his pocket and set it high up on the top of her entertainment armoire. He waved his hand gently in front of it and intoned gently, “Beyus mackino.” A shimmy seemed to gently wisp through the apartment and Cordelia looked around nervously.

“What did you do?” Her voice was a nervous whisper.

“Nothing to you. Yet.” She felt panic begin to well up in her throat. “Now, Dennis, he’s been…well…slipped a mickey. He’s out for the count, sweets. Just you and me here….having a little educational session about manners.”

Cordelia looked at him, feeling her feet unfreeze at his casual tone. She turned and ran down the hall and slapped the bedroom door closed behind her, turning the key in the lock and backing away from the door, listening to the silence outside the door. No noise at all. She heard no footfalls, no stomping, and no beating on the door. She was just beginning to relax when a voice whispered by her ear. “Good thinking. I think our lessons will go better here.” She shrieked and turned around to see Angel standing calmly next to her. He reached around and took the key out of the locked door, putting it in his pocket as he watched her slowly backing away from him. He grinned. Towards the bed. He slowly followed.

“Cordelia Chase. All this time spent by my side, and you still don’t get my speed? You don’t get a lot about me, Cordy. I think it’s time we had a talk. No, not a talk.” He shook his finger slightly at her as his voice softly chided her; silky in it’s menacing tones. “More of a lesson. Or a series of them. You look like a gal who excels in labwork.”

“Angel. OK. We got a…goofy back there. Yeah, I was…rude. I was rude, and I’m sorry. More than you can know. So, why don’t you just unlock the door and we’ll forget...”

“Oh, no we won’t.” He watched her carefully. The backs of her legs were almost up against the side of her bed. “I promise you, you won’t forget this in a long, long time.” Just then he pounced. He literally leapt across the small space and knocked her back onto the mattress. She bounced and breathed in, shocked, as he climbed on top of her and rested his weight on his forearms as he grinned down at her, his face all sharp planes and angles in the room lit only by the pale moonlight that filtered through the blinds. She shivered, trapped under his weight, because she knew that all her insults were coming back to haunt her, and she’d never seen him like this before.

“Ok, ok, ok. Obviously, you want me to learn a little lesson here. Well, Learned!” Her voice was cheerful. “Quick learner here, and yessireebob, I have learned my lesson. No more icky comments about you being the crankster. You just crank away. Whooee. Was I just bad or what?” Her voice was inanely cheerful as she tried to push him off her body. He rested between her thighs and she was all too aware of the thick ridge beneath the zipper of his trousers as he pressed intimately to her. He let her push for a moment and then casually reached down and trapped her wrists flat against the mattress on either side of the bed.

“You want me off?” She nodded, feeling the stirrings of anger pooling in her stomach. He had come all the way over here to embarrass her? The dork. Fine. She’d play this little game, get him off of her body and out of her apartment and then she’d call him and ream him a new one. Using caller id blocker. And a fake voice. It was a good plan.

He leaned down and whispered in her ear. “What do you want?”

She strained beneath him. “Get off, Angel. This stopped being funny before it even started.”

“What’s the magic word?”

“Oh my god. Are you even kidding?”

“Nope. I need to hear the magic word.”

She looked up at him, beginning to seethe. “Get off. That magical enough for you?”

He shook his head, a sad expression on his face. “Close, and yet, not so much.”

Cordelia drew in a slow breath, reigning in her temper. “Alright. Get off me. Please.”

Angel looked down at her, a grin tilting one corner of his mouth. “No.”

She froze, looking up at him as if he’d spoken in a foreign tongue. “What?”

“No. I won’t get off you. But I do appreciate the lovely manners.”

Time seemed to stand still. Cordy looked up at him, at his smug face outlined clearly in the dim light, at his eyes which gleamed down at her with a fiery gold glow in the centers, and she lost it. She shrieked in anger and her body bucked savagely against his. She had never been so achingly angry in her entire life.

“You bastard! You…you asshole. Get off me now! You prick. You piece of shit scumbag.” He was silent, letting her rail, holding her wrists as she twisted and bucked beneath him. Her flailing heels caught him in the back of the legs a couple of times, but he ignored the brief pain, reveling in the beauty of her rage.

She finally wore down and closed her eyes, feeling a sob working its way up her throat. Raspy breathing lifted her chest and dropped it again, pressing her to his body, still and firm. She kept her eyes closed and lay there, supine. The only sound in the room was the faint whisper of her shallow breath.

Finally, she opened her eyes and looked up at him. There was no amusement in his face; he just watched her intently. She stared back at him and finally whispered, “what are we doing?”

He looked down at her, still silent, and thought a moment. “We’re learning all kinds of lessons tonight. For instance: don’t anger the cranky vampire.”

“OK.” Her voice was dispirited. “Got it. Know it. Live it. Now get off.”

Angel didn’t even move. “Another little lesson to live and learn: don’t make assumptions. Why do you think I’ve been cranky the last couple of weeks?”

“Well, I sure as hell don’t know, Angel. You’re trying to figure out what happened to Mandy on West Wing? You’re stalled trying to solve the great mystery of who let the dogs out? I fucking don’t know, so why don’t you just tell me?”

Angel didn’t respond to her anger, he just settled down more between her legs, softening his grip on her wrists but not letting them go. His thumbs stroked over her pulsepoints as he looked down at her.

“Ever heard of a Jessoie Stone?” She shook her head, listlessly. “It’s a powerful little bit of a thing, Cordy. Useful for, oh, breaking an errant spell. Pushing through a protective mystical force. And breaking a curse. That’s the big one.” Cordy’s eyes grew wide. “That’s right. With the right cantation, my curse is lifted.”

“Um. I….do you have the stone?”

“Yeah. I have the stone. And now….” He wriggled against her, letting her feel the huge ridge that had swollen to full power beneath his trousers. “And now, honey, I’ve got the stones.”

More to come, later, Sach. Just enjoy the story.
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