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Apr 20, 2009 23:16

Those 7 minutes were over so quick..
Would like to say special thanks to : All seniors who came down to support us, bethany, victoria, everyone backstage, LAO SHI, the whole of NYCD, Steffi, Shao Le, and all those who comforted me when i cried like craaaaazy, elena who offered a lot of hugs, and lastly fiona tan ke ting my lovely pretty lucky charm!!

I can't believe it. Although there were mistakes here and there, everyone did and tried their best i believe. It is the most awesome experience ever. Five months of vigorous trainings, where we had to come back on sundays and even saturdays don't mean pain and sore backs anymore. It doesn't mean "argh i need to pon training and get sleep" anymore. Somehow i want to rewind the time, go back to the past few weeks all over again. Listen to the music, induldge in its beauty. The beauty of the dance and music is indescribable... Its just go influencial you know i don't think influential is the right word but you get what i mean. It brings someone to tears...

SYF 2009 has brought the whole of NYCD together. It bonded us so effectively, it makes us love NYCD more more more, and most importantly, we have grown to love lao shi SOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH through this experience. Lao shi is our hero!! Lao shi we love you !!!! She has worked so so hard to accomodate everyone in this dance, she has worked so so hard to help us to find the correct gan jue, and she has helped me to open up to smile and perform in the dance studio, as normally i would only smile and perform on stage.

"Lao shi, you won't be able to read this but. I am so grateful and happy that you're such a wonderful/great/awesome/best dance teacher. Thank you for believing in us, thank you for using reverse psychology on me when i cried before going on stage today. It really worked!! Thank you for being there for us, encouraging us, inspiring us, and bringing smiles to our faces. When lao shi hugged me today, i broke into hard hard tears. It was so touching omg i can never forget that feeling i swear. This year's syf is so beautiful. Its so so so beautiful. I love how to keep telling us " 手到,眼到,心到" or " 用心去跳舞,去感觉,去享受" . Although i used to be " half a person " always "slacked", i realised i shouldn't have been like that and i am willing to put 100% of my heart into dance from now on . I have grown to lvoe NYCD so much through SYF . LAO SHI I LOVE YOU SO SO SO MUCH !!! Lao shi you're a genius choreographer, the best dance teacher ever!!"

Would like to say special thanks to : All seniors who came down to support us, bethany, victoria, everyone backstage, LAO SHI, the whole of NYCD, Steffi, Shao Le, and all those who comforted me when i cried like craaaaazy, elena who offered a lot of hugs, and lastly fiona tan ke ting my lovely pretty lucky charm!!
i will never forget today 20th april 2009

I love nycd
so damn much

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