.yes, this is a long entry, but read it anyway.

Jul 23, 2004 18:06

**happy part**
out of nowhere, my parents desided i kould go to the beach with brent. so his dad and he kame and piked me up wednesday night. and we drove up to myrtle beach. we got there around 10 or 11 and walked on the beach and wrestled in the sand. then sat on roks and watched fireworks. then we swam in the pool and chilled in the jakquisie. then kame to the kondo, watched boy meets world, and went to sleep. then thursday brent woke me up at like 7. we went to this koffee shop. met two little punk kids. one had a hawk. the other one was hott. then they had some homeless chik living with them and brent said she was hott too. and i got a shirt from them. then me and brent went to the arkade and brent spent over 100 dollars there. it was so much fun though. then we went to the beach, i layed out, and he sat beside me and played guitar and sang to me. then we just hung out the rest of the day, at the koffee shop and the arkade. then with those two guys. then bak to the arkade. then we went swimming untill it got dark. and then we went to the beach and layed out towels and just layed there and didnt even really talk. he just held me and fireworks were going off. and it was so romantik. hehe. then we kame bak to the kondo and went to bed.

**sad part**
this morning we rode the elevator up and down all the way to the top to see how high the kondos were, and it was really high. and we paked everything and as we were putting everything in the kar to leave, this lady walks up to me with a 1 year old boy asking me if i knew who he was. and im like what? and she said she found him in the middle of the road about to get hit by a kar and the dude that was about to hit him yelled at that lady telling her to take better kare of her son. and she took him to every house down the street and asked people and noone knew who he was or anything. so i told brent and his dad. his dad kalled 911. the little boy wouldnt talk and he looked all dirty and stuff. it was really sad. then about 30 or 40 minutes later a man kame running up saying it was his kid and piked him up and held him and said that the baby doesnt know how to talk. anyway, long story short..brents dad went bak to the house with him and his wife to get some adentivakation. and me and brent sat on a kar waiting for the kops so we kould tell them where to go. when the kop realized what house he said he'd been there before. basikally, they were the parents, but they were really young. they lived there. the mom never said a word, never hugged the kid, or held him or anything, they said she looked really druged up. the house they live in apparently is a disaster. its really sad. but they said the boy was almost 2, and he must of gotten out the bak gate of the yard and started wondering the streets. i dont know. but it was really sad.

**boring part**

then we told everyone bye. went to subway. slept the whole time. went to brents. i dont think jennifer was prepared for us to get there, hehe. then kame home. and brent went to work. it was exikting!


oh, and when i kame home, danny had writen me!
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