Happy Birthday to
girlguidejones!!! I wish you were here. Hell, I wish you lived here, but you had to go and buy the AWESOMEST place ever 3 hours away. I would point out that the house across the street from us is for sale, but even it, in all its locally famous architect-built glory with updated plumbing and electric, and you know, proximity to us, cannot compete. Perhaps, if I promised that
atomic_pencil would have a Sapphire martini with a twist waiting for you when you got home from work and he'd mow the lawn and shovel the walks (he does that already--our neighbor massively screwed up his shoulder)--we could lure you here. There are also a few condos available at my mom's place, only she can't make a martini for crap, but you'd still be within 3 MINUTES instead of HOURS. [/end local real estate ad--MOST LIVEABLE CITY!!! WOOHOO!!! Okay, seriously /end local real estate ad]. Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, and I hope you are enjoying the hell out of yourself today.