May 25, 2005 19:41
Well lets see me St3pH@N!3...KrYsT@l...nD L@uReN are all str8 agaiin im n0t really friiends with any of them except for St3pH@N!3... and im really happy!! St3pH@N!3 n ii have bin together since the begining...we had a craszi ass summer n that neither of us will forget! From all our LaUgHsZ.. thru all the TeArSz..all our crushes...all our SeCrEtSz..all our LaTe NiGhTsZ..WaTcHiNg Alexsis n Anthony [damn that was a mission].. sitting on the stairs WaItInG for JoRgE n TrEv0r..SiNgInG n SwInGiNg on the PlAyGr0uNd wen we were PiSsEd..FiGhTiNg with your m0m..DaNcInG around the house when no one was home n turning the radio up all the way n SiNgInG like no one was LiStEnInG..StRiP tAg [damn whata night].."Texas ChainSaw Massacare".. MiDnIgHt bAsKeTbAlL.. BrAnDon.. BoBbY.. L@RrY.. TrEv0r.. JoRgE.. Sh0rT sHiiT (JoSh).. JuJu.. jus EVERYTHING...we've bin thru so much to just stopp being friiends like that ((but thats jus mii opinion)) but ii am so happy we are friiends agaiin you dont even know and than im so happy that im str8 with KrYsT@l and L@uReN :) ima guna try UBBER hard n0t to mess it up this ii dont sit wit them at the table anymore...only during CooKi3 Br3aK :) so yeh
Im talkin to g@b3 and he wrote me the sweetest text messages last ngiht and he told me that he is tired of waiting on my answer on wheather ii like him or not and ii told him well u gotta do what you gotta do if you dont wanna wait anymore u dont have to ii unders tand and he goes but thats the thing ii lie you WAY 2 much to jus up and leave and ii told him dont wait on nothing special! and than he goes im never guna get tired of waiting for you ii LIKE you and only YOU..but if it seems that im rushing you im sorry because thats the last thing ii wanna do...tell me thats not sweet?! when he told me that ii made up my miind that im guna give him a chance hes way too sweet to say n0 to..But itsz kind of funniieh to think the sweet guy that ii was looking for this whole was right in front of my face all this time and ii just never knew it.. So 2morrow at the football game im goin to tell him yes.. St3pH@N!3 sed ii should tell him today bc ive kept him waiting since like April but ii backd out :( than ii couldnt tell him when ii got home bc ii got my celly taken away from me by that bitch Ms.Martino...ii cant stand her ol' FUGLY ASS ii cant get it back unless a parent comes in... but i have half a day left they cant keep my my phone over the summer so they better gimme my phone 2morrow ii promis u i will raise some HELL
Well ii only have 1 FINAL 2morrow and its not until 3rd blk whcih means i get to watch Alladin in 1st blk YIPPIE....A WHOLE NEW WORLD....okay sorry ii just had a moment well hey ii have to go beddy bye so ima write more 2morrow...p3@c3 0uTsId3 HoMii3 g-FuNk :)