Feb 05, 2010 15:19
Martin finally got his latest MRIs (or CT scans, I keep mixing them up) done, on his neck this time, and took them to his pain doctor. It seems that the 'home base' for the shoulder pain that comes and goes in different places is actually C-5, which is damaged right around a nerve bundle that (why am I not surprised?) contains nerves going around and through his shoulder. So THAT's where the pain spirit really lives... which makes sense when I remember what the 'room' it was in looked like on my journey. The circle with the braziers around it must have been C-5 itself, and the various 'hallways' branching off the room were probably either nerves or access tunnels to them.
So, I've been considering various ways of getting rid of the pain spirit. Originally I was thinking of trying to placate it rather than remove it, but I think maybe that's not such a good idea in the long run. I'd hate for us to end up being blackmailed by it should it decide we are too afraid of it to oust it. We came up with a couple of stones that are good for getting rid of pain, and we're going to see if using one as an amulet and one as a 'working stone' will do the trick. I've also revamped my altar and FINALLY empowered a Native American-style healing wand that I bought years ago but never figured out how to use.
Now I just have to write the ritual/spell that will pull it all together.