11 crossovers

Apr 16, 2007 14:57

Once More With Feeling by xylodemon (PG13)
Crossover Good Omens/Harry Potter
History has a funny way of repeating itself. A really, really funny way of repeating itself.

Days Like This by killabeez (PG13)
Crossover Supernatural/Angel
Tentacles. Why did it have to be tentacles?

Given Up by Yahtzee (PG13?)
Crossover X-Files/X-Men
In which an encounter with Xavier makes Scully doubt the most important decision she's ever made.

The Broken Chain of Being by up_your_peach (PG)
Crossover Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel
Surprising even himself -- especially himself -- Xander needs to say good-bye.

Out of Focus by emmagrant01 (R)
Crossover Angel/Harry Potter
Lilah Morgan is sent on a special assignment to London -- to hire Lord Voldemort on behalf of Wolfram & Hart.

The L.A Patient by flurblewig (R?)
Crossover House/Angel
"Interesting case for us to play with today, kiddies," says House. "A Jane Doe, found naked and unconscious and covered in bite marks."

No More Ugly Naked Guy by darksylvia (R?)
Crossover Friends/Queer As Folk (US)
The first time they noticed the absence of Ugly Naked Guy, Monica and Rachel were watching Bridget Jones' Diary together (thus driving the men out), and so were in the dark when the lights in Ugly Naked Guy's apartment went on.

Les Cousins Dangerouse by annakovsky (NC-17)
Crossover Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel
Connor Summers's real memories start coming back that summer.

Who By Accident by lowercasek (PG15?)
Crossover Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel
School never works for Buffy, she's always meeting possibly evil cute guys.

Chains of the Master by fryadvocate (PG15?)
Crossover Supernatural/Angel
It's never over for those who fight the good fight. Cordelia and Dean meet.

Five Reasons Xander Harris Hates Pete Wentz by lovelypoet (PG13)
Crossover Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Fallout Boy
The video for "A Little Less 16 Candles..." is enough to make Xander want to poke out his remaining eye. Like he didn't get enough of angsty pretty-boy vampires fighting for the good side with Angel and Spike.

buffy the vampire slayer, pop, supernatural, queer as folk us, good omens, x-files, harry potter, x-men, crossover, friends, angel, house

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